First of all, I probably shouldn’t be reading so many websites/blogs written by folks on the opposite side of the political spectrum, especially the comment section. Yes, I know I should be open minded, and yes, I know that it’s a useful and educational thing to do, but my blood pressure just can’t handle it a lot of the time, especially, as I said, in the reader commentaries. Maybe when my life settles down a little.
But that’s tangential to my main message, as seen in the topic. I’m getting mighty sick of the Religious Right, and its pious mewlings about many, many things, including:
[li]Abstinence will always keep teens from having sex, so any mention of safe sex whatsoever is evil and must be suppressed - oh, and family planning is equally immoral.[/li][li]Christians are being oppressed or discriminated against. No, idiots are being discriminated against. Oh, and those who break the laws of the land, too.[/li][li]But most of all, I’m sick of anything that has to do with their version of “family values.” Yes, families are good, and important. But apparently your idea of what constitutes such is a mite limited. If I never have to hear another “homosexuality is a sin because the Bible says so,” or another “Adam and Steve” bit, or another unsupported assertion about how gays are ruining families, or just plain violent homophobia, it’ll be too soon. [/li][/ul]
I suppose I could be putting my words better, as to not sound so much like I’m railing against all Christians or organized religion in general or whatever. I know all about freedom of speech, and I treasure it, and they even make good points at times, even if I don’t think it applies to what they want it to apply to (e.g. what’s right isn’t determined by simple majorities).
But damn, I’m tired of these people, their efforts, and the policymakers who pander to them…