I'm going back to school! WHOOOPPEEEE!!

There is this teenage girl that has this horrible crush on me & yesterday I asked her if she was going to college in the fall. She said she was still a senior in HS & she wants to go to UCSD. I told her that was my college & they get 26,000 applications & only acccept 3,000…I told her the only way she would get in there is if she married me because relatives of those who have been there have it a little easier getting in :slight_smile:

Hey, I’m going to school right now too. Of course, I’m just finishing up my upgrading so I can start University. I’ve got one month left before I really have to decide between Computer Science or Mechanical Engineering.

As far as taking time off goes, I dropped out of high school. Right now, I’m doing much better than I ever would have done 10 years ago. I’m getting straight A’s now, because I’m a lot more focused. Also, 10 years ago I would have pursued a BFA, and now I’m entering a technical field. So even my interests have changed.


I’m going back too, though only part time. (gotta eat, you know) I’m entering the computer design and programing program at the local college next month. I’m looking forward to it but I’m NOT looking forward to working full time too. (my stress levels are about to jump at least 10 points) Ah, well. Here’s to searching for a better future (or at least a way to a better job worth more money :wink: )

Not starting school but transferring to a different one this fall (long story).
I found grad school very easy to start and enjoy after a couple of years in the working world (which wasn’t my cup of tea). Being in a concentrated universe inhabited by total nerds is very nice-- I feel normal here. And I figure that if I can just continue to tolerate my current lifestyle for a few years longer than it takes my to graduate and get a job (ie, keep living LIKE a grad student), paying off my remarkably substantial student loans should be easy.
Is the UC system really that hard to get into for undergrads? I notice a lot of Cal. students end up here (U of Oregon) to such a degree that some of us call it the University of California at Eugene. Are they here becasue they couldn’t squeeze into UCB or UCSC? Just curious.

Moe, my application/acceptance/registration process has been painless, because my company is giving me $5000 per year to go to school.

I’m starting out slowly, just taking one class this fall and an easy one at that: Music 115: Understanding Music and Culture.


Cant, I’m envious. My experience has been anything but painless.

Do you work in a music related field?

Im going back to school this fall too!!! To get a Bachelor’s of Music! I got a BA in Drama five years ago and then realized I didnt want a career in theatre. Since then Ive been having McJobs, did some travelling, and figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up (maybe) - high school music teacher.

As I said, it’s only been five years since I was at university, and I was a good student then, but Im terrified about going back and figuring out scheduling my classes and financial aid and all that sort of stuff. I cant imagine what it must be like to go back to school after a longer period, especially if youve never been to college. I have so much respect and awe for people in that situation.

WOO-HOO for all of us going back!!!

Good for you scarlet. A fellow candidate for a degree in music heh? Oh it just makes the heart cry of joy.

It’s only been 2 years outta school for me, which has been long enough to give me butterflies at the thought of going back. I haven’t registered for classes yet and I am and am not looking forward to it at the same time if you get it.

Best of luck to you. Whooopppeeee!!!

I registered for college at MPC recently & it costs me $10.00.