I'm Going to Quit Smoking - Wish me Luck!

My mother and I quit smoking on the same day.
She died.
I quit.

Check around at used book stores, or read the intro at a bookstore (or check the library - they might have it). It’s really just a very logical look at why you started smoking, what you enjoy about, what you don’t enjoy about it, and making a choice. You’re even encouraged to smoke while you read the book.

Well, hmm. I’ve been quitting smoking for about a week now by basically just limiting the number I have a day. I roll my own so money has never been a disincentive to me (no matter how much I bitch in the Pit thread about smoking). A carton+ costs me $10.95—righteous bucks. $13.95 if I purchase the filter tubes so I can smoke reguler-like cigarettes.

Without any of these tax hikes hitting me, it is all about my desire to lose weight. For this I need to exercize. To exercize I need breath. To gain breath I need to quit smoking.

It has been going well… I’ve gone from 12-20 cigs a day to about 4. If I could get to just one I’ll be tremendously pleased.

So, good luck OP. In the right environment quitting is a piece of cake (ie—boot camp!). In the real world I’ve had a pretty hard time of it, and the worst thing is I still enjoy smoking! Maybe I should check this Carr book out…

Munch, do you know that seller? Is it you?