"I'm Golden from the Morning Sun!"

I see on MediaBistro the NY Sun is looking for a copy chief . . . I am tempted to apply for it just so I could burst into people’s offices and say, “I’m Golden from the Morning Sun!”

I mean, sometimes, life just walks up and hands you a straight line . . .

Outsider: “Ponygirl!”

LOL! Eve, you crack me up :slight_smile:

With that name, I’m guessing the Sun would be a ton better place to work than the New York Showers.

I actually had to place a business call to a “Mr. Showers” once, and his receptionist and I nearly injured ourselves laughing. I so want to marry him, just so I can hyphenate my name!

That’s gotta beat even A. Sign of The Times.

“I’m Stone Deaf from the Bugle!”

I miss MAD magazine.

Did’ja do it?