I'm In A Class-Action Suit Again!

This time, it’s regarding a certain kind of “diet pill”, I ordered years ago when I was still single. At first I thought it was a scam, so I left the e-mail containing my 2 id numbers, and googled it. Sure enough, it’s legit and I have until March to return my paper work.

Last year I received a check for $18.00 from litigation arising from a high school class finding service.

No, it ain’t BIG money, but it’s nice to have a mini-windfall I can use to help the animals.:slight_smile:

This ever happen to you guys?



I can’t say that I have, but I have had the good fortune to avoid any kind of product that has caused me harm… as far as I know.
Did the diet pills make you sick? I thought that some kind of damage had to be incurred for someone to qualify to participate in a class action suit.

Not me, personally, but they must have made someone else sick for me to have been contacted. IANAL, but I guess they pulled mail-order records and that’s how they found me and included me and others who had ever bought/ordered them.

What I received was a form to fill out asking if I wanted to be a part of the settlement, and I thought to myself, why not?


I once got a 50 cent check as part of a class action law suit against a loan company that was illegally selling life insurance with the loan, or something like that.

My mom once got a 2 cent check from one that to do with a bank. Don’t remember the details on that, as it was almost 20 years ago.

A bunch of department stores gave out free make up samples as part of a class action law suit and I got some free Chanel lotion.

But y’all invested wisely, right?:wink:


Wonder if you could have asked for the money instead, FS?

They probably put a 1/3500 of a penny’s worth on it, though, so you came out better with the Chanel.

Me, I woulda made 'em bust up the penny, and woe be unto them if they busted it up wrong! I’d sue 'em!:wink:

Everybody’s so sue-happy these days anyway. Even The Beatles weren’t immune - even though they all had enough money to last them several lifetimes.

Y’all remember that, dontcha? "Paul sued, John. John sued Paul who sued George who then sued both of them, and things got so nuts litigation-wise, that Ringo accidentally sued himself… :slight_smile:



If the diet pills you are refering to are PhenFen, you might want to do some searching for real attornies handling those cases. I believe the major class action suit has settled, but you might possibly get more $$ if you have symptoms (heart condition, etc.).

Hi DMark

No they weren’t PhenFen. These were purchased from one of those places which sell stuff such as monkey milk, amino acids, and the like to help pump…you up.

But you bring up an interesting point when you mention PhenFen. Her cardiologist believes that my wife Dondra’s pulmonary hypertension stems from their usage, and we are exploring the possibility she might have grounds for a suit.

AFAIK, the litigation can still be entered into, but IANAL (although I am anal.;)), so I wouldn’t be able to say 100%.

Thanks, DMark!


The damage might be monetary vs. health, however - e.g. I had a bunch of discount coupons for airfare stemming from some price-fixing (I think) issues back in the late 80s. I wound up never using them - there were a LOT of restrictions on how you could use them, you had to go somewhere in person to do so, etc.

Which I think was a scam and the airlines shouldn’t have been able to settle the suit like that. They got to settle the letter of the verdict and paid very little out in real restitution.

Similarly the first Netflix class action from a year or two ago - you got a free month “upgrade” in the type of service… and it would CONTINUE AUTOMATICALLY if you didn’t remember to cancel it in time. Which mean that the net effect would INCREASE Netflix’s revenue.

If your wife has documentation about the pulmonary hypertension (before and after PhenFen usage), she has a very good chance of getting a settlement. Do so searching online for a good PhenFen attorney. There are lots of them and probably best to find one in your home state.
BTW, I assume she never accepted any settlement prior to this and has proof that she bought and used PhenFen.

I have actually gotten not 1 but TWO checks for $40 an change from a class action suit against Genus Credit Management! I was darned glad to get them, too!

I’d gotten around $15 from the CD price-fixing suit.

I’m expecting a more substantial payment from my former bank over overdraft fees. The case was brought due to the re-ordering of transactions from smallest to largest to maximise the overdrafts. When I was recently out of college and less financially secure, I overdrew more than once and got hit with multiple charges because of that practice. The settlement will refund me all overdrafts from the two (not necessarily consecutive) months in which I had the most overdrafts. Which will be nice when it happens. But though the bank and the class have agreed to the settlement and the judge has given it final approval, someone is trying to appeal. So it could be a while.

I got $37 last week as part of the class action suit for credit card foreign transaction fees.

That makes me one of the big winners, I guess, since most people just got $18.04.

But hey, it only took 5 years!

I just recieved a check pursuant to the terms of the class action settlement Trombley, et al. v. National City Bank, et al.. While I have recieved settlements before, most recently from PayPal or eBay (I forget which but I know many of you recall this) it was only for pennies. Or even worse, discounts on future purchases.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the check was made out for $92.31! Now, a hundred bucks won’t change my life but it makes a difference. It’ll fill my Kia gas tank nearly twice…

Anyone ever get a settlement check that was actually kinda decent?

About six months after buying a new car the manufacturer settled a class action suite related to owners of my car and I got $350-400 in coupons good for anything at a dealership. I could have selected half that in cash, but I guessed that I’d be able to spend those at the dealership easily enough. The settlement paid for the first 4-5 years of maintenance.

This was the Volkswagen coil packs issue, which if you owned a 98-02 Volkswagen (or whatever the years were) you’re probably familiar with. The coil packs would fail and leave people stranded. VW repeatedly denied there was a problem, but eventually issued a recall and replaced the old coil packs with new ones that didn’t randomly, and frequently fail. Mine never failed, but I did have to take the car in under the recall. I decided the settlement was a fair exchange for when my window regulator (another recall) failed and left me 350 miles from home with a window that wouldn’t roll up.

I filled out the forms about that myself five years back and have never heard a word about it since.

I got a bunch of voucher worth several hundred dollars from American Airlines (some class action settlement 20 years ago). But they all had really restrictive conditions and it ended up I never could use any of them.

It was always wishful thinking that all of the litigation participants (including the judge) would end up stuck on the tarmac in a plane for 36 hours with overflowing toilets, no snacks, and a pilot announcing, “Well folks, we’ve just received news of another two hour delay…and we appreciate you patience…so in return, American Airlines is offering you vouchers for your and your significant other…restrictions apply, of course.”

I received a settlement from Equifax about a year or so ago, but all it amounted to was a subscription to their super, hyper duper credit monitoring service for a year. Thankfully no automatic renewal though.