I'm in lurve with a Japanese Yodeler.

You have not entered the Twilight Zone. There was a rip in the Time Continuum and a Japanese man named Takeo Ischi heard Alpine Folk Music twenty years ago and fell in love with it. Took yodeling lessons (w00t! admit it, you wish you could yodel! and now is a star over in Europe. And has more talent than David Hasselhof.

Appenzeller is quite the toe tapping tune.
Happy Monday!

My work is done here.

My toeses are tired now. :eek:

Wow! That must have been the same rift in the space/time continuum that caused Paul Pena, an African-American blues player, to teach himself (!) Tuvan throat singing and become the first American to compete in an international contest (and win in the Kargyraa division).

(sorry if this is too much of a hijack, but the wild disparity of the two cultures brought this immediately to mind)

No it isn’t a hijack at all. It is in the same catagory, I would think.

Shirley? What is surprising about this? My understanding is that The Loch Ness Monster, the Easter Bunny, and Capt. Vendervecken all have more talent than David Hasselhof, and they’re all imaginary!