I'm infamous? Well, fuck you very much, you incompetent goat felcher.

Oh, the mind-numbing, skull-fucking irony of it.

Back in January, I started the application process to get into my then-future local state college and its esteemed School of Education in order to get my teaching credentials. For once, my procrastinating tendencies did not get the better of me, and I got all my paperwork in on time - applications, letters of recommendation, transcripts, tuberculosis test results, clearance forms for substitute teaching and student teaching, and so on.

Late in April, I actually started to relax, thinking that I had gotten everything done that I could and it was all a matter of waiting for the final notification. Then, two weeks before the decision was made, I received a standard “here’s what’s in your file” letter from the College of Ed.

No transcripts.
No letters of recommendation.
No letter of acceptence from the university.
No test results.
No clearance forms.

In fact, all they had was the form I’d filled out when I’d flown in to California for the in-person interview and a couple of standardized test results.

In a near panic, I called their office. Now, I know how to work with people on the phone. I did it for a living at the time. I know what puts people off (anger, desperation, confusion), so I was a perfect Miss Manners - evincing only the slightest curiousity about where all these items might be. It took three days of calling before they would even admit that they weren’t in the file. They must have been lost in the mail. Or I must not have remembered to send them in.

Now, bear in mind that there were at least eight different sources for all of this - myself, three letter writers, three different universities, and my doctor. I could see one, maybe as many as three, of these flaking out. But all of them?

Okay, fine. Whatever. It’s pointless to quibble now. I fork out over $50 to get my transcripts overnighted to them and beg my letter writers to please fax the forms and letters again. I call my doctor’s office and ask that they please refax the test results.

Then I start calling the education office to make sure those items get in. I am not sanguine about this. This is the next year of my life. It takes me five fucking days to get a response from the waste of skin in charge of applicant credentialing, and even then, she has an office lackey call me to confirm that everything made it in that time.

Okay, fine. Whatever. It’s all in, and I can relax. Less than a week later, I’m notified of my acceptance to the program, with a small note attached. Could I please provide proof that I’ve been accepted to the school itself. You know, the acceptance letter I’ve mailed two copies of and faxed twice as well. Fine. Whatever.

Last week, I arrive in California permanently. The very first business day, I go down to the school, get registration info, financial aid info, book info, and stop by the office to provide copies of everything yet again and check on what they’re still missing.

The first office assistant basically tells me “if we had to answer every request for file status, we’d never get anything done.” Yeah, but you know, if you hadn’t use my file to mop up the remnants of your squicked out frontal lobes, I wouldn’t be asking you, you brain stem, now would I? I smiled and thanked her sincerely.

When I returned to hand in the one form I’d never been given after four months of double checking, I introduce myself to the second office assistant, the one I recognized from six or seven genuinely laidback, Miss-Manners-mildly-curious-about-the-existence-of-my-file phone conversations.

“Hi, Office Lackey,” says I. “I’m phouka. I bugged you on the phone a whole lot. It’s awfully nice to meet you in person after you were so helpful to me.”

He got a deer-in-the-headlights look, and when the waste of skin applicant credentialing lady comes in, he introduces me to her as the “infamous phouka - the one who called so many times about her file” in a tone of voice that clearly indicated I had been the bane of his existence since he discovered his opposable thumbs could be used for something other than polishing his personal Maypole.

And these, fellow Pitizens, are the people with whom I am entrusting my professional future for the next year and beyond.

Me, I would take a few out myself. But seeing as prison isn’t that fun, I’d recommend you suck it up and take it up the ass. Fighting will only make them hate you more. Then again, a reputation can be a good thing. See how willing they are to incur your wrath a second time. Note to OP: Most people are counting days to retirement. Giving them extra work makes them hate you. If they can’t strike out at you, they try to minimize their exposure. Them giving in seems like a good option. That can help you.

Yes, but have you sacrificed your first born? Where’s your urine sample? I need 100 copies of identification. Did you fill this out in triplicate, send it back in time, fuck the registrar and remember to wipe your ass? NO?!

Well, to the back of the line with you!

I can’t believe you people waste my time, you infamous shits! Just where do you get off expecting me to do my job?!

Gee! Some people!

Oh, the mind-numbing, skull-fucking irony of it.

Back in January, I started the application process to get into my then-future local state college and its esteemed School of Education in order to get my teaching credentials. For once, my procrastinating tendencies did not get the better of me, and I got all my paperwork in on time - applications, letters of recommendation, transcripts, tuberculosis test results, clearance forms for substitute teaching and student teaching, and so on.

Not to impinge on all the hassles you had dealing with idiots, but you did photocopy all of the materials that passed through your hands, right? Right?


JosephFinn – that has to be one of the weirdest posts I’ve seen in a long time. Cut and paste and quote are a bitch but that was just weird.

So, phouka, have you cast your own blood in the pentagram and summoned the spirit of Baal? NO?!

Gee! When will you infamous people learn to follow our obtuse and meaningless rules?

:: applauds wildly ::

Beautiful! Good rant, excellent use of contemporary profanity, great profanity/big words balance. 8.7, easily.

Sweet! 9.3 With extra points for feeling and style.

I have no idea why this is, but I’ve found that being in the middle of the pack seems to improve your odds. My theory is if you file early, you get the trainees. If you file late, you get the regulars. If you file right at the rush, you get the on-the-ball temps they bring in to do the actual work.

Phouka, you are my new hero. I sincerely, seriously, hope that someday I too may walk into an office full of waste-of-skin paper-pushers and have them KNOW WHO I AM, even to the extent of having them introduce me to other paper-pushers with deer-in-headlights looks on their faces as “infamous”. I bow to your superior will and powerful life-force. Please be so kind as to bless this small stone token, that I may wear it around my neck and thereby borrow some of your mana.


So: they got all the paperwork, right? << worried look >>

Or are you gonna have to spend the next year flippin burgers at Wendys, while they process the paperwork for the 01-02 academic year?

I tell you, nothing pisses me off more than incompetent goat felching. I mean, you’ve got your goat, you’ve got your straw, you’ve got your lobster bib…what else do you need? Goat Felching For Idiots? Chicken Soup For Goat Felchers?

BTW, I’ve found that those flexible straws are really…


note to self: self, next time read the OP before responding.


You guys are so sweet. :smiley: It just warms my heart. I think we ought to hold the next SoCal Dopersfest in the student services office of my new department.

Joseph: everything, and I do mean everything has been xeroxed. Unfortunately, some of the documents, I had to hand in were originals, but I kept copies of them, and the rest, I keep the originals (with a backup copy) and hand them the xerox. I do not trust these bastiches.

Derleth: That’s the game plan. Yep, bending over, raising the skirt, gritting the teeth to take it right up the old rectal express. Thank you, chairman, man I have some more?

Byz: Baal? Baal? Shit! Goddamn festering yak ballers. I thought it was Beelzebub. And now I’m fresh out of first borns.

Coldfire, Speakeasy, DDG: You like me! You really like me! DDG, I’ll manna that talisman right up, but you must remember to light a candle to me twice a year when those damn financial aid forms are due - yellow for bile.

Slythe: Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Thanks for the laugh.

And you guys are so bad, you know? Thanks to you, I caught myself saying “yak felcher” in front of my dad this evening. (Not to or about him, thank Baal, but still . . . ) I’m only thankful that Dad’s gone a little deef in his left ear and didn’t catch what I was saying.


I’m still trying to figure out how to use Squicking and Felching in the same sentence.

“I would invite you to felch the hole I squicked you through, but straws just don’t bend that way.”

phouka, I know what you’re talking about. I had an attorney charge me $150.00 to get a file out of storage that he didn’t file with the county when he was supposed to. This man would suck the blood out of a rabies infested, syphilitic opossum in order to survive. God forbid going out in the sunlight.