I’ve searched the archives and been unable to find it. A long time ago there was an excellent post/thread about something like “why popcorn costs $5” at the movie theaters - it was a really good explanation of how the ticket fee gets divied up between the theater manager, distributor and producer of the movie. It then explained that that is why the popcorn costs $5 a bag. It’s possible this thread was lost during the great board crash. Can anyone find it? Now I come to think of it, the thread might have been about those things but perhaps the actual explanation was a link to a web page explaining how it all works. Thanks in advance.
Was it this one?
YES! Thank you. And I’m delighted to realize now that the article was written by Cervaise - he of the classic “telemarketing” rant in the Pit.
I honestly tried various combinations of “popcorn” “movie” “ticket price” in the search engine but couldn’t locate that. Thanks again.
Can we use this forum for those kinds of questions? The answers to questions for when we can’t find our search queries?
I’d say yes. None of the other forums are more appropriate than this one.
Yeah of course. Why wouldn’t we? But naturally, if you find yourself asking this more than once or twice, perhaps a more appropriate question would be, “How do I find what I’m looking for by searching?” I think you should probably provide as much information about it as you know, like DarrenS did.