I'm looking for an iced-coffee maker

Use a regular coffee maker, pour contents into a pitcher, put it into the fridge, take out the other pitcher (which you filled the last time you made coffee) from the fridge and pour it into the cup.

A manufacturer could make something like this, but I suspect it would be prohibitively expensive and few (or no one) would buy it. Even coffee shops don’t have anything like you describe. And they spend thousands on a single espresso machine. They just cold brew it in the fridge overnight.

One thing I’ve heard of is making coffee ice cubes. Brew some hot coffee and let it cool, then pour it into ice cube trays. Use the frozen coffee cubes to cool your hot brew without diluting it. I’m sure it works fine, but there’s the whole hassle factor.

If you really don’t want to deal with ice and dilution, and you want your iced coffee to have been made just before you drink it, you could invest in some “drink cubes”. These are stainless steel on the outside and contain a gel with a high latent heat of fusion. You normally keep them in your freezer; when you put them in your drink, the gel inside melts, drawing heat through the steel and cooling the drink without diluting it. Then you put the cubes back in your freezer for the next use.

Those metal or stone “drink cubes” have far less cooling capacity than ice. Ice absorbs a lot of heat during the phase change into water. A solid “drink cube” does not undergo phase change. It may be enough to keep an already cold drink cold, but probably not enough to turn hour coffee into iced coffee.

The idea of making ice cubes or of coffee seems like the best bet.

“Whiskey stones” don’t undergo a phase change, agreed. However, at least some brands of drink cubes do contain a liquid sealed inside them, and so do undergo a phase change (thereby absorbing lots of heat.) See the descriptions here (contains “non-toxic gel”) and here (contains “purified water”), for example. That said, I’ve never used them myself, and I would expect they’re still not quite as efficient as ice cubes of the same mass or volume — but not drastically so.

ETA: The same type of liquid is, I believe, used in this type of ice cream maker. I have one of those, and I can attest that it will nicely freeze (not just cool) a large amount of liquid placed in it.

This looks suitably geeky!

And then there’s the Slushy Magic Cup! Yeah those annoying advertisements… The SM (I like that!) works on the same principle as an ice cream maker. The “Magic Slushy Ice cubes” or whatever they call them, are little square plastic bags filled with concentrated brine.

I used to work selling the SM cups over the phone and you’d be AMAZED at the gyrations kidlets would go through to GET the things! “And do you have a credit card?” “Yeth!” “And what is the name on the card?” “My mommie!” Right, kid!

At any rate the SM cubes work on the principle that brine freezes at a much lower temperature than fresh water. Thus, you cool drinks more rapidly. You could get the same effect with sealed baggies, water and a whole lotta salt. You’ll chill your coffee down a lot faster than sticking it in the fridge or with plain ice cubes.

In fact, that’s what I use MY SM cup for! Iced coffee in about 5 minutes, after brewing.

Insider tip from a former salesdroid: Do NOT buy from TV ads! Just… don’t! Get the widget you want from any of a million “as seen on tV” sections in a jillion stores. You won’t get yammered at to buy a “free shopping card” or “win” a free cruise. TRUST me!


Thank you, SageGrouse-definitely closer to what I’m looking for.

A local non-franchise coffee shop near me does it this way; takes regular brewed coffee and makes ice cubes out of it in advance, then brews a fresh cup of espresso (double) and pours it over the frozen coffee ice cubes, shake until frozen coffee is melted and pours over plain ice. Something of a production, but very tasty. I take mine with a couple tablespoons of salted caramel syrup and 1/2 & 1/2. Hmmmmm!

Add a Tesla coil for some spark action and I’m sold!

Your loss. :wink:

Unfortunately, I’ve not seen anything with a built in chiller. They all dump the coffee into a carafe of ice.

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