Well, I’m again trying to update and/or completely re-write my resume. I’m looking for some good resume examples online to base mine on or get ideas from.
Anyone know of any good sites with resume examples for someone looking for a probably entry-level job and who is less than a year out of school?
The kinds of jobs I’ll be applying for will probably be kind of varried. My degree is MIS, but I really don’t care if I get a job in the IT field or not. In fact I don’t really expect to work in IT at all, although if there were a position in that area that I could get, I’d surely take it. I’m pretty much open to anything that would lead to a real ‘career’, no matter what field it is in. So, I’d like to create a pretty generic resume that I can apply to a wide range of positions with, and that I could tailor to a specific position if necessary.
Well, I was about to ask this same question again, but it sounded so familiar to me that I did a search and realized that I’d already asked it.
Basically, my situation is this:
I’ve been at my current job for going on 9 months now, and it is my only real full-time work experience. My current job is very “entry level”, and definitely wouldn’t require a degree or anything. In fact none of my 15 or so co-workers have a degree besides my boss. Besides this job, I have a part time job that I’ve held for the past few years, including when I was in college. I also have one other old part-time job to list that was almost like an internship, but not really. This job sounds/looks a lot better than it actually was, which is why I’m putting it on the resume.
Besides my degree, there isn’t really a lot to list as far as school or education. My GPA ended up being like 2.74, which I see as average at best. I have no extra curricular activities to list, at least nothing since high school.
So, I’m looking for help making a resume for a recent college grad, less than a year out of school. I want a pretty general resume that I use for many different positions and that I also can taylor for a specific position if necessary. Any good examples out there for me to look at? Any other advice?