I'm losing my hair.

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I’ve had to start on Synthroid cus my throid is not working as it’s supposed to.

Now I’m losing my hair. Lots of it. It’s thining like crazy. It won’t be long until I have thin, wispy, old-lady hair that I’ll have to struggle to get to cover my head. I already have a bit of a comb-over happening. And winter is coming.

I guess it’s time to invest in some good toques. :frowning:

Since you just started you’ve got a lot of tinkering to do until you’re on the right drug at the right dosage. Hair loss can be a symptom of thyroid problems or a side effect of the drug. Go to your doctor and have your dosage checked. All may not be lost!

Hey, bald chicks can be sexy! I dated a chick who shaved her head, she was one hot chick, let me tell you (screamed like a rabid chimp). :cool:

If you get on the right dosage, it will gradually come back. One of the things that sent me to my doctor to get my thyroid checked was hair loss. After about a year it was significantly improved.

I know a woman who only got tested for hypo because she started losing hair–she went on replacement and it is now full and lovely again. Poor me had thin hair to begin with, good thing I didn’t lose any before I got treatment…