I'm melting, I'm melting in the MMP!

The word or the situation? :slight_smile:

Nettie I think you should head out for the $18/hr companies. Your workplace sounds like a horror show.

How many of us are in California? It seems that there are several. I’m in the East Bay/Bay Area. I’m counting at least 3 more Golden State folks off the top of my head.

It’s windy as heck here. I hope it dies down before the heat comes back. I think this is going to be a long, long, long fire season. My dogs have also decided that wind is the devil’s work and bark every time a strong gust howls by or hits the house. They are very loud, in case anyone is wondering.

My dad is taking his delayed birthday driving test. I’m dreading the results. There’s no good path here. He’s been a terrible driver my entire life, and age hasn’t helped that. On the other hand, driving is incredibly important to him. I’m expecting he will fail and I’m expecting him to be crushed. Take care of yourselves people! He can’t see over the driving wheel because he’s gotten so stooped over. I’m working hard to get into better shape and stay that way. I want to have the best old age that I can.

The situation. I’ve grown accustomed to things being less peoply. :slight_smile:

Major challenge there is ever having time/energy to fill out applications correctly. Also really wanting to find something with a shorter commute, and I think I’m pretty much over call centers.

Do you have any type of job or industry in mind?

Not too solidly. My primary experience is call center, retail, or clerical/office, and I did spend a couple of years studying accounting. As far as the local community college is concerned, I’m qualified for entry-level bookkeeping.

Bruins lost, so at least all the teams I hate are off.

YAY! :partying_face: :partying_face:

Yay! Now take a shower. :wink:

Good choice. We get knockoff Gatorade at work when it’s hot.

At least the drone works.

: crosses appropriate and inappropriate appendages for a big cushion for Nettie :partying_face:

Finished my last final exam this morning, concluding my BS in civil engineering. Flunked out of college all the way back in 2004 and it took me this long to get it all together. Been through a lot in the process, including the death of both my parents but just glad to be done with it.

I’ll start my new engineering job in 3 weeks.

You rock! :sunglasses: :tada::partying_face::confetti_ball:

And welcome to the MMP!

Good for you! Now to think of your Mumper name. Something around engineering? Something to do with determination? Hmmmm

Nettie If you are interested in bookkeeping or accounting, one suggestion would be to create a profile on LinkedIn. A lot of recruiters use that to find candidates these days. Super bonus: you won’t have to fill out multiple applications. You can submit for jobs you find on the site just using what you’ve entered in your profile.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave. Just had a thunderstorm reboot the PC.

Awakened much too early by idiots upstairs apparently having some difference of opinion (doesn’t sound like it’s getting physical). I do wish I’d managed that extra hour and a half of sleep. Today will not be fun.


This is shameful. Unfortunately it is pretty common. I worked as a service technician for over 40 years and have seen it often. It is a result of technicians making commissions on up selling their customers.

Many congrats! What will you be doing?

My nephew just recently got his masters in mechanical engineering something - project management maybe? I accidentally deleted the email my sister sent. Anyway, good job! And welcome!

And we’ve got a rainy day on tap with flash flood watches for most of the local counties. Lucky for us, we’re perched on a hill of sorts - on our lot, water flows away from the house. And our lot is one of the higher ones in the neighborhood, unlike the poor guy at the corner of Rt 5 whose yard becomes a lake every time we have significant rain.

Mel helped me have a pretty decent night, despite some gastro-intestinal distress that had me trotting to the potty every few hours. I mostly slept and I’m calling it a win. Plus I’ve since showered, tended to the critters, and I’m breakfasting. Next step is down the steps to reassemble the basement before the RoxStar arrives this afternoon. Plus Higgs goes to the groomer at 11:30 - she does so hate going there.

I pulled a meatloaf out of the freezer, and I got some broccoli yesterday - guess what’s for supper!! :smiley: Not sure what starch I’ll add - maybe instant smashed spuds? Or rice and canned gravy? Stay tuned to find out!!

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate scented products? The deodorant I pulled out of the cabinet is Powder scent. At the moment, that’s all I can smell, and it’s awful! I’ll look in my stash to see if I have an unscented one - that’s what I usually buy. Not sure how I ended up with Powder, but ick! I think I’d rather reek of B.O.

And on that happy note, Happy Thursday!!! :rofl:

Happy Thursday afternoon, mumpers! It’s 69F/21C and mostly cloudy out there today, which matches what I can see from the window. We have windows open and it’s comfortably cool in the house although it will probably get hotter later when I decide it’s exercise time!

Tabco welcome and congrats on the qualification, and the new job!

Pup you’ve posted, you’re one of us now, and we do like to hang on to our own :slight_smile:

Boo glad to hear you have AC again and your bra’s no longer dripping!

I’ve done my one day on campus and have the rest of the time working at home, where it’s far less peoply. Just two of us and the three cats, so all we have to deal with is the idiot neighbour who is as stupid and annoying as ever.

Tomorrow we have second stage interviews for three admin roles in our College, I’d like to think that we might get one of them in my dept but it seems unlikely from what I’ve heard. That’s a shame, since we have lost two people to voluntary severance schemes/retirement, one was on secondment and has been returned to his previous dept, one’s been poached by Admissions, and one is on a career break which means she won’t come back to us. That’s a third of the team gone, and leaves us with only six full time staff, a couple of part-timers and one who only works university term-time. We are always short-handed, and it’s the reason why I’ve had close to 70 banked hours since this time last year which I’ve never been able to use!

Ho hum…back to spreadsheet hell then…

Good morning everyone.

Welcome to the new folks and congrats on finishing the degree!

Yay, for getting AC fixed, but boo to the scumbag who unplugged that part of your AC!

Someone asked why I’m up so early. Part of it is that I’m just an early riser, part of it is a remnant of having to commute a good distance away. I leave early to avoid traffic and give myself cushion if there’s an accident. But, mainly it’s just because I really like the early morning quiet. When I’m working from home, it almost a luxury to have some chill time before diving into work. My official start time is 0630, but I usually head up 30 to 45 minutes early. When I actually commute, I usually get to the office way early, so I go to the “proud of their stuff” grocery store and pick up some yogurt, fruit and anything else I may need for the day at the office. They usually have new and unusual stuff to try, so I pick that up too. After that, I arrive at the office around 5:30, let myself in, start my coffee and start going through my emails, etc. I don’t really mind getting there early and I enjoy the quiet before things start ramping up.

Hoo boy! Yesterday was SOMETHING. I felt both firehosed and was the person wielding the firehose depending on the situation. At the end of the day, I felt a little like Wile Coyote after an explosion.
I managed to get a great deal done and really only have one or two fires from yesterday to deal with, but we shall see what the new day brings.

C’mon weekend!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN I was a slugabed until eight o’ clock! ‘Tis 74 Amurrkin out and N.O.S. with a predicted high of 95 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. The plan of the day is nuttin’ at all. I foresee quality cee-mint pond time. Sup shall be majik intartoobz pizza and sallit. We shall raise sloth to an art form!

Boo yay for fixed a/c! I am sure the kitties are now cooled down and back to loungin’ about on the furniture.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah,

Happy Thursday Y’all!

Morning all. The rain has retreated for the present, but the odds are it’ll be back this afternoon and evening. Did do some housecleaning (bathroom) and may do some more (or less).

Don’t think I mentioned it, but I’m growing my beard back…shaving it off last year due to COVID (easier to handle a mask), but it’s starting back up, just a basic mustache and beard (Vandyke) style, may later go full Civil War General (see most any picture of a Civil war General…). A bit itchy now, but It’ll pass.

BBBoo, glad the Air is cool once again…and if you could find the fellow who messed with the system, a catherization is only the beginning…

Taters, from school teaching to working starting at 0630, I, like you, have been an early riser most of my life. Now retired, I find sleeping in to 8am (or occasionally beyond) to be a nice treat. And hope work is less exciting today.

Seanette, life seems to be kicking you right now…hope it turns around soon.

Sunny, When I hear Tabco, I think of the (mostly defunct) soft drink, so may Cola?? I really don’t know. And congrats for Tabco on getting that degree!

OK, need to make some sustenance and get about the day. all y’all take care.

Morning, all. Happy Thorsday.

Last night was Graduation #34 (#36 if you count my own). Another school year in the books. 2 more, I think. I was planning on retiring this year, but…things don’t always work out the way you plan. Another couple of years and I’ll be more than ready. On the plus side, I’m essentially bullet-proof for the last 2 years. What are they going to do, fire me? Today is check-out, then lunch with a teaching buddy before she heads off to grade AP tests for a week in Florida. After that I plan to reacquaint myself with good bourbon while watching the first episode of “Loki.” The cats are thrilled with the prospect!