There don’t appear to be any windows, first or second floor. That’s just weird, man.
There is a curved discontinuity in the upper front siding and for a moment I was going to call BS/Photoshopped. but it appears to be genuine. Not sure why or what would cause a curved line in the siding.
How do we get an answer on this one?
The rotating birds-eye view on Bing maps, which appears to be from 2012, shows older siding and windows in all the usual places. This looks new, amateurish or cheaply done, and peculiar as hell.
It’s obviously for the Vampire lair. You don’t want any risk of sunlight getting in through windows, who knows when a neighbourhood boy will accidentally hit a baseball through the window and then suddenly poof there goes the master vampire from the beam of sunlight straight into his coffin.
It isn’t curved. It’s from the map process. Take one step to the right and zoom in. It looks fine.
To me, it looks like an old farm house. It has the old tin roof that houses from the early part of the 20th century had. Windows were expensive. And still are. Upstairs was where the bedrooms were and bedrooms were for sleeping.