I'm now convinced a Wonder Woman Movie could work...

I liked the first one when I saw it couple weeks ago (also, swear I’ve seen something similar to those giant minotaurs attacking Thermyscira - was it in one of the animated DC series or possibly something online?) but I liked the second one epbrown linked to better for some reason.

Hopefully whatever they do, it’s a better job than the porn version.

Tori Black makes a quite passable Wonder Woman but the movie overall sucked. Pun intended.

Announcer: Before take off, please listen to the following safety rules. Fasten your invisible seat-belt low and tight around your waist. The invisible latch will slip easily into the invisible catch. Should oxygen be required, an invisible oxygen mask will drop down. Place it over your own face before placing it over the face of any children. Although the invisible bag will not be seen to inflate, oxygen is still flowing. Invisible life vests are under your invisible seats, marked with an invisible tag. To inflate the vests, pull the invisible red tags or blow into the invisible tubes. Now, be sure your invisible seats are in the full upright position, and that your invisible tray tables are up.

(Not to mention that the invisible exits are marked with an invisible sign that says “Exit,” and looking around to see where the nearest invisible exit is. Or the invisible floor lighting that will lead you to an invisible exit.)

If I was making a Wonder Woman movie, the Invisible Jet would be visible, but with stealth technology. That, at least, would make more sense, in my opinion.

Someone argued against that with me once, and they won, but I can’t remember why.

That was well done as well, thanks, but felt more like Buffy the Vampire Slayer to me than Wonder Woman.

it’s better, but it also could be anyone if you replace what’s in that bag with something else.

Eh, I think it relies at least partially on the role reversal thing (girl saving the bf instead of vice versa).

But yeah, it’d work for most any female superhero

Pretty much the exact scene was done on the live action series of The Tick twelve years ago.
It’s a first date. Captain Liberty has been dismayed about the whole dating experience because “once guys find out you’re a superhero . . .” the get intimidated/manhood is threatened. So, she meets a guy while she’s not in her superhero uniform. They go on a date and have a great time and she really really likes him- but he still doesn’t know she’s a superhero. Then, as they’re walking home, a couple of hoodlums attempt to rob them and Captain Liberty kicks their asses.

It didn’t have quite the level of fight choreography as the linked video above, but it’s way funnier since you are given time to get to know the characters first.

The problem I have with the first date one is that she waits way too long before she starts kicking ass. So you’re just going to let your (non-invulnerable) date get pummeled and kicked while he’s down?

My biggest problem with all of the characterizations of WW has been with her sizing. She cannot be small. At worst she needs to be just as tall as any male counterparts, if not a bit taller. She doesn’t have to look like Chyna in terms of musculature, but it needs to be apparent at first sight that this is not someone to be trifled with.