I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm retarded! I'm retarded!

Good point. Now that you mention it, I remember something about a year or so back, where a bunch of guys got caught printing 20s on their inkjets and passing them to dancers at the local strip club. Now THERE is somebody who doesn’t have time to check every bill that’s thrown at her :slight_smile:


Not a real green dress, that’s cruel!

On the Post Office scam.

Are POs in the UK banks? In New Zealand the Post Office was also an actual bank (not any more) and so it could’ve had a significant amount of cash available.

At least she didn’t try to buy your love.

'Cause I know money can’t buy me love.

I hope not a real fur coat. That’s cruel

Had I noticed there were two pages to this thread, I wouldn’t have bothered with the above post.

Nevermind me. I’ll just return to my hiding spot under the stairs.


I’ve seen this before-what does it refer to?

I saw her picture and almost sprayed my monitor. The femullet is just perfect!

Guinustasia, it refers to the Barenaked Ladies’ song, If I had a Million Dollars, which mentions buying a green dress, K car, fur coat, etc., if the singers had a million dollars. A sweet, funny song, actually.

Sorry for misspelling your name, Guin. Shoulda previewed. :smack:

IRC, Aren’t UK post offices also where the old people go to get there pension cheques?

That’s cruel.

Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?

Not really, but I have had my eye on them crazy elephant bones.

On second thought, maybe I’d like an exotic pet. Like a llama. Or an emu.

Smothered in Dijon ketchup.

She should have gone to a casino, traded it for chips, and then cashed in the chips for real money. I’m sure they wouldn’t have caught on.

A year or two ago, I was driving through Georgia, on my way to Orlando. I stopped at a small gas station in southern Georgia.

Filled up the tank.

I went in to pay with a $10 bill.

I laid it on the counter, face down.

The cashier says-- *What are you tryin’ to pull?!? *

Me-Excuse me?

*Where’s the money? *

**Right there (points). It’s a ten dollar bill. **

*That ain’t no ten dollar bill! The President’s face is on money! Where’s his face!?! *

I flip the bill over.

Right there. (Bosda is puzzled, nervous.)

Cashier stares at bill for 15-20 seconds, doesn’t touch it.
Ah won’t take it.

**But…WHY? ** :confused:

*Faces wasn’t there a minute ago…it’s some kind of trick. *

I count out ten singles & leave. FAST!

Yeah, imagine that. John Q. Bacon being forced to uphold the law :rolleyes:

Bah. By the looks of things she would have ended up in the system sooner or later(If not already).

A genetically modified monkey butler homunculus, that’s the ticket!

ding! ding! We have a winner!

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
*Police will pass along their findings to District Attorney Ken Wynne, who said he is waiting to see the Police Department’s final report before deciding whether to prosecute Pike on charges of first-degree forgery.

Pike, who says she collects disability because of a mental disorder, is being represented by a public defender.*

Also of note is that her husband is described thusly “her estranged husband, a coin collector.” Sounds like her “coin collector” ex may have passed her the bills as “rare and unusual.”

If she is on a disability pension for a mental disorder then, well, there is the answer to the OP.

Though “delusional” or “manic” may be more applicable than “retarded.”

Agreed. I really wish we could get a bit more insite on how she handled the incident. Seems like she didn’t really know what was going on.