I'm so freakin' sick... need help...

My jaw is sore…
I have a headache…
my nose is runny and stuffed…
my throat is slighty sore…

What can I buy or make to get me some nice relaxing sleep? Time is of the essence. :slight_smile:


Nyquil, baby. Nasty green nectar of the gods.

I have never used Nyquil before. How effective is it?

Night Nurse! Or a big bottle of whiskey…

Watch a really bad movie or listen to Yanni. Or both simultaneously.

Mmmm, second the recommendation for Nyquil! And if you can’t down the liquid, you can get it in gel caps. I took some earlier this week when I was feeling much like you are now and it let me sleep through the nastiest of my cold. And there’s also Dayquil if you feel the need to be lucid for any length of time.

I know remisser is feeling bad and all that, but I don’t think suicide is called for in this situation, do you?


Big “N”, small “y”, big fucking “Q”!

Seriously though, NyQuil can knock your socks off. It’s sort of a “shotgun” approach where it has all sorts of good drugs in an alcohol elixer.

Talk to a pharmacist because if you don’t know much about cold meds you can easily double dose on certain drugs.

Mmmm… Is it wrong that I’ve come to love the taste of NyQ?

Seriously, it’s good stuff.

Won’t help much with the jaw, tho.

Ok, are the hamsters asleep? I KNOW I just double-clicked that…


Theraflu. It’s like an atombomb.

I believe it was George Carlin who called it the “Nighttime sniffling sneezing ‘how the hell did I wind up on the kitchen floor?’ medicine.”

It’s effective, for the couple minutes you last til it knocks you out.

NyQuil- we call it “green death” because you take it and disappear for a while. It tastes like cheap Jagermiester (sp?).

Seriously, I hope you are not coming down with the dreaded flu. Having just returned to the living, myself, I recommend buying lots of OTC meds and tasty fluids and planning to take it easy for a while.

NyQuil. Take the gelcaps, don’t drink it. Take them in bed or else you will wake up on the kitchen table or something.

Of course! My sister just introduced me to Jaegermeister, but I knew I had tasted it before. Luckily it didn’t make me sleep walk like Nyquil does. That can be embarrassing. Dayquil pretty much has the same effect on me, without the knock-out drops.

i must have weird body chemistry or something. NyQuil keeps me awake if i take it.

for pain (jaw and headache), i’d prescribe Vanquish.

for sore throat and runny stuffy nose, your pick of warm spiced cider, sweet herbal tea (there are some varieties that are supposedly blended specifically for alleviating cold symptoms), or a hot toddy.

and best wishes on a speedy recovery.

NyQuil keeps me awake, too! And I thought I was the only one! One shot and I’m wide awake for a good seven to nine hours.
I like Theraflu. It was the only thing that kept my husband and I alive two years ago when we had the flu. The lemon flavor is pretty nasty, but apple cinnamon is decent. Works fast, lasts long. Great stuff.

If you’ve never taken Nyquil or Dayquil before, I’d reccommend not taking Dayquil if you have to do anything. I did about 2 weeks ago and I’m still being made fun of for it. I was tweaking. I was all hyper at work and I couldn’t concentrate. When I was driving home, I discovered I’d gone slightly color blind. I sat at a green light for 2 minutes before I realized that it was not a seriously long yellow light. Did I mention I was also slightly out of it? I happened to be on my way to pick up a prescription so I asked the pharmacist about my reaction to the stuff. After she stopped laughing at me, she said when you start to feel like you’re having an out of body experience, you know you shouldn’t take it again.
I’d test it if you don’t have to go anywhere. If you do have to go out, stick to theraflu.
Good luck with this. I hope you feel better soon.

My personal based-only-on-anecdotal-evidence opinion on NyQuil:

Good, good, good stuff if you’re mega-sick (I take it when I’ve got strep throat, which happens way to freakin’ often).

But, if you’re in that sort of “I feel bad but I’m not going to be taking a couple days off” mode, stay away from it. For me, if I take a dose at, say, 10 PM, I’ll easy sleep for about 12 hours, and still feel rediculously groggy ALL DAY.

Kinda depends on your physiology. If you’re on the hyperactive side of life you will like Sudafed based drugs because they will relax you. If not, they will agitate you. If you use it, don’t buy the combined versions such as Sudafed/acetaminophen. They don’t seem to work as well. I prefer Sudafed and ibuprofen taken separately (for sinus headaches).

I personally have an odd sleep cycle if I take formula’s with Guaifenesin in it (expectorant). I will inevitably have a repetitive/abstract dream that does nothing for rest.

Antihistamines will make anyone stupid.

I try to limit the number of drugs (in a combination formula) so I know what does and doesn’t work well. I don’t like Nyquil for that reason. It’s one step below antihistamines for me.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that people will react to the same drug differently. Keep track of what you take along with the side affects.