Lesson number one about using public computers, boys and girls: Don’t leave your workstation unattended so the loony who sits next to you every day can use your username to make you and your religion look monstrous. He’ll pretend to be you and post junk like this:
Oh, and if you ever want to get into a real talk about Islam on this board, I am sure you will find many many people willing to talk to you honestly and openly, myself included. But you might want to pick a different username!
So what happened? Did this guy find out your password somehow? It seems strange that someone could pull off an eight page thread over several days without the real screen name owner realizing it. I guess weirder things have happened though…
Looks like the other thread has been deleted, and Sarah has only the posts in this one. Why did you log on to the boards, if not to create a post? I’d appreciate an explanation, though I suspect I know it already.
Can you explain to us why you created an account here in the first place, if it wasn’t to post? My apologies if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty skeptical of this.