I'm sorry. I'm not leaving. Not temporarily, permanently or any other "ly."

I’m still here!!!

But would you leave if I assured you we all really, really hate you?

’ course you’re not going. You’re a floater.

Chief…eventually you must go. I mean, what if you have to get laid really really bad and you desert the navy to go satiate your sexual urge?


Well Chief, I don’t think this is very fair is it?

I’ve whipped myself up into a frenzy of disbelief, and yes, there have been tears, over our recent losses of notable posters such as “WhocaresifIleave” and “Thatsnotsointeresting”…I can barely raise my head each morning with the thought of contemplating the world without 0.01% of the posters contributing regularly to this place…
And you expect me to take this news lying down???

What exactly, might I ask, are we to do if anybody else decides not to leave??
Have you even considered that for one moment???
My life may as well be over now.
I hope you’re proud of yourself you selfish bastard.