I'm very proud of myself

I just typed the following in one pass, under severe time pressure, in just a couple of minutes, without a single misspelling. :slight_smile: Fear me!

The underline convention and the period after “var” don’t count! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow. I’m terrified.
Plants? Disease?
I’m thinking plants, maybe flowers.

Various and sundry Southeastern US plants.

Love the name, bonobo. :slight_smile:

What, no generic names? Pssh.

:: waves hi to fellow botanist ::


Thanks. I have no idea why I came up with that. :stuck_out_tongue:
I have a friend who is a botanist/landscape/tree person. He’d understand all them funny names.
Viola bicolor kind of clued me in to plants.
But since I have an eclipta prostrata on my right foot that sometimes gets a bit hypericum hypericoides spp hypericoides when it’s cold and damp out - well you can understand my foolish assumption those might have been diseases.

If you knew all the spellings off the top of your head, I’ll be duly impressed. Were you referring to anything?

Each and every generic name is listed above. Do you mean “common name?” :slight_smile:

Hi Maastricht. What kind of botanical work do you do?

And Smeghead, my intern was rattling them off from a list. Feer my m@dd speeling skiilz!!!111