IMDb moments, or "Holy Crap - Ardra was Michelle from Magnum PI!"

. . . and he was **Bob Slydell ** in Office Space.

Which also had **Diedrich Bader ** of The Drew Cary Show, **Stephen Root ** of Newsradio, and some chick from some other show. . .

…and of course Christa Miller was a regular on “The Drew Carey Show.”

Speaking of Ted Knight, I only recently made this connection, and once I did I couldn’t believe I didn’t recognize his voice, but he was the narrator of the old Superfreinds episodes. “Later…at…the Hall of Justice!”

And since I watched my new DVD of The Third Man last night: the Sergeant who befriended Holly b/c he’d actually read some of Holly’s pulp Westerns, and was later shot in the sewer chase, was none other than Bernard Lee - “M” from every Bond movie until his death before For You Eyes Only.

I was astounded to learn that Albert Sharpe, who played Mr. Campbell in Brigadoon, was also the lead in Darby O’Gill and the Little People. I’ve loved both of these movies since I was a wee bairn, and never made the connection.

He also played a bishop (with lupus, I think) on a series of episodes of ER.

I would check your own links. The link within the SI link makes it pretty clear this is not true and that IMDB has been whooshed. The face from the link is the one I remember and it is not Piazza.

In fact I’ll do the heavy lifting for you. Here is the quote from the SI article:

Here is the link in the article. I didn’t even read it but the picture speaks for itself. That is the guy from the movie and it is not Piazza.

Adam Baldwin, aka Jayne in Firefly was the bodyguard in the teen movie from the 80s My Bodyguard !!

Jeffrey Combs, who played Wayoun (and Brunt (wow #1)) on Star Trek: Deep Space 9, and Andorian Commander Shran on Enterprise also played the Scarecrow in the Batman animated series (Wow #2), and was in at least 6 different HP Lovecraft inspired movies (The Re-animator series as Herbery West, Necronomicon as Lovecraft himself, Crawford Tillingast in From Beyond, and Dr Haggis in Lurking Fear) (wow #3&4).

Just watched part of Austin Powers last night and the Soup Nazi was dealing blackjack to Austin and Number 2.

And Babu, from another episode of “Seinfeld”, was in that conference talking to Dr. Evil (when he says, “One MILLION dollars!”).

Diedrich Bader had a bit part in a Star Trek: TNG episode as a tactical officer with maybe 3 lines. He’s in the background most of the time, too.

Stephen Root has been in absolutely everything (including TNG), but his current gig is the voices of Bill Dauterive and Buck Strickland on King of the Hill.

David Herman (Michael Bolton in Office Space) has lent his voice to both KotH and Futurama.

Gary Cole did many voices on Family Guy, and now does Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.

Jennifer Aniston was in the short-lived TV series spinoff from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Probably not Earth-shattering, and I didn’t discover it from IMDB, but it’s one that whooshed by me for quite some time.

I was so desperate for mindless entertainment a couple years ago that I found myself watching a syndicated “Everybody loves Raymond” episode. In it, Ray’s dad was handing out Halloween candy dressed as Frankenstein.

After a brief brain reboot, I couldn’t restrain myself from yelling “Puttin’ on the Riiiiitz!” at the TV. :smiley:

I was surprised to find out that the Italian kid from Caddyshack and Brian Schwartz from Porky’s were the same guy.

I was also surprised to find out that the old OCD coot who got eaten by cockroaches in Creepshow was E. G. Marshall.

He also had a small role as a police detective in Ghost.

I can never really take the evil hypnotic snake character in Disney’s original The Jungle Book seriously. Every time there’s a threat that he’ll eat someone I figure he’d rather just have a big pot of honey instead.

I don’t remember when I discovered that the guy who played Jack the Ripper in STtos and that guy in the Bob Newhart show was Piglet .

Joseph Gordon Levitt, Tommy Solomon on “3rd Rock,” was on a few episodes of “Roseanne,” and was also the lead child in “Angels in the Outfield.”