IMDB top 250 - do you agree?

The one thing about the list I just do not understand is why “The Shawshank Redemption” is #1 or #2.

I mean, I don’t agree with a lot of it, inasmuch as subjective opinions go. I really do not think “The Return of the King” was one of the 103 best movies ever made, much less the third best. I love “Star Wars” but it’s not one of the ten best films ever made. And “the Usual Suspects,” while a very good a fun movie, is at least 400 spots too high. But I can UNDERSTAND why thse movies are popular enough to be there.

But “The Shawshank Redemption”?? It was a good movie, a little obvious, but with appeal. But I’m just amazed it ranks this high. I don’t know who’s voting for it. the first time I saw the IMDB list I went around to every I could get to answer me and asked them to cite their five favourite movies; not a single person said “Shawshank.” Who in the world really thinks “The Shawshank Redemption” is the BEST MOVIE THEY’VE EVER SEEN?

How can The Color Purple not be on the list? There is no way that Being John Malcovitch and Die Hard are better than TCP or Sophie’s Choice, or even Thelma and Louis. The list is skewed not only to recent movies, but to movies that men like.

There has never been a Top X list I’ve agreed with, but this list sucks booty.