My wife was unemployed for the last half of last year, since we moved to NC. (We got married in December.) She had a student loan that she was paying $70/month on, so she sent in paperwork to get this deferred. (We were not married then, and she never told me about this debt.)
Fast forward to now. We were expecting a sizable tax refund, but I got a letter today informing me that the entire refund was being held up as an attempt to collect on this student loan.
She called to find that they never received the paperwork for the deferrment, and that as such, they also didn’t have our new address, so they hadn’t been able to tell us that she has been in collections on this loan.
The people on the phone were not helpful at all. First, they insisted on a “good faith” payment over the phone. They also told her that she needed to apply for an outside loan for the full amount, and that they couldn’t help her until she had been turned down for this. (She almost certainly will be.) They also said she would need to come up with a down payment of 1/3 of the loan amount ($4500) before she could start payments on it through them.
She was not helpful in telling me what those payments would be, or what would happen if she couldn’t come up with the $4500 (a distinct possibility). What she did tell me was that the $4500 could not include the $3500 they already seized from our tax refund.
Anyone have any experience with a situation like this? What will they work out for us? What will we do if we can’t come up with the $4500? I’ve already filed for “injured spouse” status, so that we can get my portion of the tax refund back; we could then apply that to the compulsory part of it, but I won’t see any of that for two months. Will any of the “student loan consolidation” services help us?
Thanks in advance.
Dr. J