In desperate search for a cat lover in France or Spain

We are desperately seeking some urgent help! My wife and I are moving to the U.K later this year and we want to take our much loved cat with us. However the U.K has overly strict quarantine laws, which are not only insanely expensive, but are also quite hazardous to an animals health (6 months cooped up in a small cage, plus they are not regulated by any authority; so its pure luck as to whether they are sanitary).
We have discovered that one way to avoid the quarantine is to travel to France, (or anywhere in the European Union) and have someone foster the cat for 6 months. Once he has been there for 6 months he can qualify for a pets passport, which will allow us to bring him into the U.K without having to quarantine him.
We would much rather do this as he is a very gentle, loving, easy-going, indoor cat who we love too much to put through something as in-humane as quarantine; we would prefer that he not only had somewhere nicer to live in than a cage but was also cared for by someone REAL as opposed to someone who is doing it for a living. Obviously we would provide funds for things like food and litter, and for any in-convenience.
If any of you have any friends in Europe who would be willing to help; or if you have any useful information then it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Chris and Erin

Perhaps you could send an e-mail to the french SPA? Possibly they would be able to give you some useful references or advices?
Their e-mail is :

Their website (in french) is :

Goo luck! And I don’t mean that sarcastically, I’m happy to see you caring so much about your cat (I’m in the getting-a-cat-soon phase and so am quite happy reading about caring people) :slight_smile:

Thanks for the usefull advice and encouragement. We still are searching for some definite possibilities so if theres anyone else out there who might have some other ideas then please let us know.

chris and erin