In every thread about xxxx, someone always posts yyyy

Another good one.

YYYY do you think they do that? :rofl:

It may be true nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, but everyone should expect “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!” to be posted in response to any mention of the Spanish Inquisition.

LOL, and yes!

In every thread about (physical) money, someone always posts “Let’s get rid of the penny.”

Any thread about the announcement of a new mod = mention of jackboots.


It’s true that Socrates didn’t say it, but Plato did misquote him as having said it, so the main point of bringing up that quote - that “kids these days” is a sentiment as old as time - stands, I think.

How do we know Socrates didn’t say it?

I mean, we are not even 100% sure Socrates even existed.

Fair enough @DrDeth It would be more correct to say “Even though we have no evidence that Plato’s claim about Socrates is true, the fact that Plato (or people writing in his name) expressed that sentiment at the time shows that it is as old as time, not something new about kids THESE days”

I Am Not A Classicist, so I really don’t know, but this site, at least, states that the quote actually came from a summary of complaints from “ancient times” in a doctoral dissertation written in 1907.

Assuming it’s an accurate summary, though, the point still stands, people have been complaining about “kids these days” since forever.

Interesting. Thanks.

In every thread about a new or casual fan asking about how to understand the basics of a particular sport, someone will come along to try to explain the most complicated aspect of that sport. This will be done using the most confusing language and technical terms they can manage, instantly poisoning the well for the OP to wrap their head around the basics.

Every time the discussion turns to motorcycling, somebody has to use the word “donorcycles” and somebody else has to tell us about their health-professional relative and the horrific motorcycle-accident stories they tell.

Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby.

In every discussion that someone starts, especially on Twitter, that’s about a social or health issue that effects women 98% of the time, someone always posts “what about the mens?” and insists that only discussing its effects on women is sexist.

And the reverse to be fair.

Like on what topics? The only one that comes to mind is discussions about how men are more likely to be the victim of violence pointing out that both women and men are victims of men. I guess there’s selective service, but women generally get brought up by people who think they should be forced to register too, which isn’t the same as women trying to hijack the conversation.

Men’s health topics. I’ve seen it happen (including once that I recall on the SDMB) where men are discussing say prostate cancer and a woman chimes in saying “why are we always talking about men’s health?”.

Any time somebody starts a topic asking whether there’s scientific evidence, not anecdotes, about whether something is true/effective/curative, people ignore that and bring up anecdotes. Pretty soon the thread has 200 anecdotes.