In how many languages can you count to five?

And what are they?

My answer is, ironically, five. English, Spanish, French, German, and Chinese.

English, Spanish, German.

Five. English, French, German, Spanish*, and Korean**.

*- Thanks largely to Sesame Street.
**- Thanks to two years of taekwondo lessons.

theoretically three: Spanish, English and Greek.
In practice only the first two, because I forgot practically all the Greek I studied in 2019 for my trip there.
Also, like most of my generation, I can sorta count to three in German (phonetically) thanks to Telematch’s low cost Spanish overdub that let you hear the German words in the background.

Ten: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Russian, Latin, and Old Church Slavonic

Let’s see:

English, Polish, Spanish, Hungarian, German, Serbian/Croatian, French, Russian. (The Slavic ones are all very closely related. I could probably add Czech/Slovak there, but I’d have to quickly confirm), Italian, Scots (only minor differences from English there, but it can be considered a dialect, not a language).

English, French, German, definitely (from school many years ago), I might also Spanish and Italian but I could also possibly mix them up.

4: English, German, Spanish, French.

Four off the top of my head: English, Indonesian, Spanish, and French.

Since I’ve studied both Arabic and Portuguese, a sneak peak at the dictionary would quickly remind me of those, but I can’t remember without a prompt. I could still WRITE one to five the way it’s done by Arabic speakers, though.


Italian, Spanish, Russian, German, Japanese.

English, French, German, Luxembourgish, Spanish, Italian, Klingon.

English, french, spanish, german

Same here.

I can get to three in French.

That’s a distinct language?

Four - English, French, German and Spanish.

English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Vietnamese, Japanese. That’s eight. I took two years of Latin in high school, but remember almost none of it.


English, Spanish, French, German, Telegu

So 5.


English (default), French (4 years in HS, much lost), Spanish (grew up in NM, so basic numbers were super helpful), Hebrew (almost entirely long lost Hebrew school practice).

Four: English, French, German, Welsh
