In TWD universe, are people a bigger threat...

than walkers?

I mean, individual zombies are taken care of pretty easily, they’re only real dangerous in herds. But people? We’ve seen Ricks group dispatch who knows how many and they’re supposed to be the “good guys”. Negan’s gang kills one person just to get your attention.

I’m thinking you’re better off taking your chances with the zombies.

I think this is pretty clearly “yes.” At first, there would be a zillion walkers and survivors all scattered around and disorganized, and the big danger is in figuring the walkers out (ie what they are, what stops them, what happens if one gets you, etc.). Their danger is pretty one-note, though. They don’t strategize, don’t adapt, and if you’re going to be real about it, after a few years their numbers would start being seriously diminished by the survivors trapping or destroying them, just rotting away, falling in holes, etc.

By that time, certainly the bigger danger would be in other groups of people. Humans are social creatures, so various social groups would form and inevitably run into each other with all kinds of consequences. And indeed, as I said before in another thread, we have seen Rick himself go from “we don’t kill people” to stabbing people while they sleep. I think what we’ll see is that as the walker threat diminishes, the people who have made it this far have done so by continuously escalating levels of violence. The Governor and the Claimer cop lady seem like just petty jerks compared to the Terminus people and Negan.

I’m not up on the comics, so I only know the vaguest detail about the guys who showed up in the latest episode looking like they looted a sporting goods store (the “armor” guys). So I don’t really know what they’re about. But they show up in the episode and literally take a stance that reminds me of Superman, or something. A “truth, justice, and the American way” sort of posture, and mannerisms. It would be kind of nice if they lead us to another community that shows us (and Rick) that there can be strong leadership based on a less brutal philosophy than everybody we’ve seen so far.

Diminishing supplies like food and so forth will gradually be a greater threat.

This might be my pie in the sky optimism but it never made sense to me that people would immediately start murdering each other. There would be some of that of course but for the most part once the population stabilized and Zombies became management, there would be more than enough resources to go around. I think groups might be protective of members with special, important, skills but otherwise would get along and figure out ways to work together.

To answer OP - YES, but what makes the show so enjoyable for me is watching the characters go through that realization. Two great examples of this were Daryl saying “people are worse” and Rick saying “we are the walking dead.”

Of course!
Walkers are not much of a threat unless you’re an idiot, caught completely off-guard, or suffer from a physical disability
They’re slow, they’re easily dispatched, and they’re brutally stupid as opponents.

I liken them to fire: Easily handled as long as you keep your hair out of the way and don’t feed it too much fuel.

That’s why FTWD was so disappointing in its first season. You really wanted to see exactly how society collapsed so quickly

instead we got “nine days later” and everyone is living behind a chainlink fence

If you want a more realistic assessment of how humanity would handle a zombie uprising, read World War Z. Even the blind and guys in wheelchairs can handle the dead :slight_smile:

Society reverts to dozens of little warlords and their followers, in eternal pissing matches with their rivals. I’m not sure how soon ‘me! me! mine! mine! bow to me, I am your leader!’ would happen IRL, but without a government or society, I suppose the strongest wins, just like in days of old. I think women, doing collective farming and work and childcare (the commies!) would make for a better world. In TWD they’re either awesome fighters, sex objects, or drones to serve the men.