In which Anderson Cooper apologizes to me on air

Since it’s about TV perhaps it should be in Cafe Society, but it seems more mundane and pointless.

Last night I “Beat 360”, a daily caption contest on Cooper’s show. It wasn’t a very good one but

1- The competition wasn’t that great
2- I think it was more consolation for the one they didn’t show

This was the picture with the actual caption “US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama step off Air Force One at Stansted airport, north of London, on March 31, 2009.” The 360 caption was “Remember not to fist bump the Queen”. My caption, which I freely admit was lame, was

The reason I think this won anyway was because it was my second caption, the first of which isn’t shown on the website (they’re all “moderated”), and was a reference to the DVD gift gaffe with Gordon Brown. I don’t remember exactly what it was but it was something to the effect of

I think his staff probably liked the one above better but decided it would be better for Anderson not to read it on the air so they gave him the second one.

So anyway, while my last name is given on the site, when Anderson read the caption he said

Oooh, I’m tingly… Anderson has just officially made me an international man of mystery! (Don’t know why it said “undisclosed location” since I have it on there- or thought I did, but, I’ve got so damned many logins and web personas that I can’t keep up with which is what.

(Bolding and italicizing mine obviously; I’m not even sure how one would bold and italicize on air- maybe having it read by a trembling black guy or something.)

Anyway, even though he didn’t give my last name and regards my privacy too highly to disclose my location (he’s so clingy and worried about me getting any of the limelight), I think it’s obvious what he was apologizing for, and it had nothing to do with the misreading of the caption. What he was saying was

It wasn’t what he said obviously but how he said it. I could tell what he meant.

That’s fabulous.


Perhaps he was hoping you’d disclose a bit more of your location to him!

Fun story - thanks for sharing.

I think your caption isn’t bad but is a little too long. I think the Helen Mirren quip was fine all by itself. The DVD caption was better, and I’m sure that AC, in your imagination, laughed quietly about it and is privately wondering who you are. Keep sending in the captions. Maybe you’ll get a personal email. Then another one. Then before we know it, we’ll be seing tabloid rumors of a secret wedding in Massachusettes and AC taking a leave of absence for a honeymoon in the Bahamas.

It could happen.

*Designed my genes. *
I see what you did there.

Eh, concision’s never been one of my virtues.:cool:

The other caption they didn’t use was shorter:

That one they did leave on the site though.

Hey! I saw that! Who knew it was our own Sampiro’s caption?!

As I watched Cooper reading your caption, he kept licking his lips and a red rash crept up his neck. I distinctly remember thinking, “Man, those two need to get a room.”

I totally went all “straight world” while reading this and had a few “huh?” moments before I realized that Anderson Cooper has a big crush on Sampiro.

I think Sampiro needs to leave the nonfictional world behind and write some fantasy stuff. I bet it would be great.

Damn it… I wish he wouldn’t be so obvious. I hope others didn’t catch that. (When he stripped to his swim trunks that time he raced Michael Phelps I’m told that if you have HI-DEF you could see a “HI-JON!” label on his waistband.)

Dude, he’s so booty calling you tonight!

If you get that “special” closed-captioning, you’ll get a “special” message tonight.

It will disclose more than a location.

Hey! Cool! I saw that! I very rarely watch CNN. I was flipping channels and stopped because it was Anderson Cooper (I have a firm rule about always stopping for him). I was on the channel long enough to see him read the two captions and then I was off again.

I do remember grinning at the Helen Mirren bit and thinking the “undisclosed location” part was odd.

Perhaps he’ll personally deliver the shirt…

Which I’m forced to wonder, if they don’t have my location (and haven’t sent me an email), where will they send it?

He’s Anderson Cooper. He’ll find a way.

Lavishly awesome! It’s good to be you!

fantastic!! did erika hill enjoy your caption as well?

are you hiding out with cheney?

Cool! I never watch AC (or CNN for that matter), but I think I’m going to be a regular of this feature. I just posted my first comment for today’s contest.

Q: Do they announce that you’ve won beforehand so you know to tune in that night?

Oh, my God. I almost snorted Nacho Cheese Doritos up my nose. Close call.

Damn Sampiro, you just made me laugh three times in a single thread.

Nope. Though I did get the email letting me know I’ve won and asking for the address of my “undisclosed location” so Anderson can drop the shirt by (though he’s in London now so it might be next week).