In which Eleventh the dog finds a home.

A couple of weeks ago I found a really sweet old dog …

My company was painting a nursing home, so I took him with me last week in a devious effort to find him a home. He spent two blissful days resting his head on old folks’ laps & being petted by gnarled old hands, kissing wrinkly old faces, or resting next to wheelchairs with his head on someone’s foot. He just cruised around the entire place visiting with old folks. He especially likes the TV lounge and the dining room. Everybody adored him…so they’re taking him. YAY.

I “delivered” him yesterday morning. They had gone shopping for him over the weekend…bed, food, bowls, toys. They drew up a roster of people who were willing & able to walk him for potty breaks. When I walked in, there was a small crowd of residents waiting for their new dog. He was immediately surrounded by people loving him up. I snuck out when he wasn’t looking. I called last night to see how he had adjusted & he’s having a wonderful time & was sleeping in a resident’s room next to the nursing station.

Anyhow, I am so happy he found the perfect home!

Oh that’s so sweet I think I’m gonna cry!

Opal, a girlfriend came with me to drop him off, & we both had a little cry when we left the place!

What a lucky dog!

I hope they enjoy each other. Some companionship for both. My uncle’s dog has “visiting rights” at the children’s hospice nearby. She got out loose and walked onto the grounds a block away and visited, poking her head onto gurneys, wheelchairs, etc. She’s an Irish Wolfhound (picture a shaggy Great Dane on steroids) so even the wheelchair bound kids easily reach her. Now they even send an attendant to pick her up sometimes on a nice day so the dog can visit. Very sweet dog, even if she does make my German Shepherd look like a Cocker Spaniel.

Only trouble is, she is always making new friends there, the old ones...

Wow, what a great ending to the story! I think Eleventh is going to have a better life there than anywhere else he could have gone.

Bravo Carina!

Yay! That’s very heartwarming! I’m so happy it turned out well…

I believe that having pets in old folks homes is actually therapeutic for the residents, I’m sure I’ve read it somewhere.

Anyway it looks like a great idea you had Carina

fantastic news carina. a perfect fit. i can just imagine the cane vs wheelchair fights for “sleep night with eleventh!” well done indeed.

There is great therapeutic value for many people in hospitals & rest homes to have a dog (or even cat) visiting. [sub](I’m sure I just grammatically mangled that sentence.)[/sub] Most hospitals, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, psychiatric facilities, hospices & so on have either a resident animal, or visiting therapy animals.

I’ve been researching this. My current Rottweiler puppy Cooper is almost five months old, & is already doing some off-leash obedience. He has a wonderful temperament - very stable and sweet. Last night I talked to the trainers at his obedience school. As soon as he has completed his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) title, I’m going to have him temperament tested for therapy dog work. There are a couple of national organizations that register dogs. I think it will be a nice volunteer job for both he & I!

Thanks for the kind words…Eleventh has been renamed “Buddy” - they had to find a name that was easy for people to remember and say. :slight_smile:

lurkernomore, Irish Wolfhounds are the sweetest - and hugest - dogs around! My travel agent has TWO of them that come to her office every day with her. When you sit in a regular chair, they are eyeball to eyeball with you, it’s too funny.


As someone who trains assistance dogs, I commend you for finding such a great life for an old dog :slight_smile:

I now officially put you on my list of good people :wink:



elenfair Thanks! The dog did all the work, really, by being so sweet!

I have a neighbor who trains assistance dogs, though she doesn’t get paid for it. It’s cool, her puppies (they are all pound rescues, mostly yellow labs) get to wear a cute little green shirt thingie that says “service Dog In Training.” She keeps the dogs for about 6 months & gets to take them everywhere - supermarket, movie theater, airport…

you’re an Official Good Person too! :slight_smile:

As someone who loves cats and dogs, thank you for your kindness to that fortunate animal! :slight_smile:

Carina42, that is a very heartwarming story - I feel all fuzzy inside. :slight_smile:

I bet that dog is going to get more attention in the next few years of his life than he has gotten in all the previous years put together. I am so glad you found him a nice home!