In which I defend stupid, ignorant people.

Do so!
[sub]wait… what?[/sub]

Name three.

Porn saves lives? What?

Reminds me of the Bush quote about gynecologists “practicing their love with women.”

A couple of points here.

Many of you, including the OP, are confusing intelligence with education, or opportunity. It is neither, though I’m hard pressed to say how you can conclusively separate it from other factors.

Second, while there there is no joy in the deaths of people by their own stupid acts, I think there is some joy to be had if they do so before reproducing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Has anyone ever figured out what he MEANT to say? Because that’s my favorite choice for weirdest thing he ever said, hands down.

Really? I don’t think that’s very hard. Intelligence is capacity, education is the thing intelligence gives you the capacity to make the most of. Raw components of a finished person.

Bush: He had max opportunity to get a top drawer education. Did he have the intelligence to make the most of it? I dont’ think so.

Obama: overflowing with natural intelligence, he was actually able to use that to make choices to maximize his opportunities to get the best possible education.

I believe he was shooting for “too many OBGYNS end up leaving the practice (ie profession) they love”

I think he was saying that insurance rates were so high that doctors couldn’t practice the profwession they love. Or something.

My all-time favorite is when he talked about the poor woman who was “just trying to put food on her family.”

My favourite was “They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people - and neither do we.”. He wasn’t kidding.

Damn, that is quite the convoluted leap of the tongue! Really impressive!

More than ever its the weirdest damn thing he ever said. “misunderestimate” is sorta understandable, kinda, but “too many obgyns don’t get to practice their love on women” means the above? Holy shit.

Don’t you think that kinda calls into question everything he ever said, even if it kinda sounded ok? With verbal distortion fields like that at work, he might have been speaking a whole different language that none of us ever knew about!

Thank you for the OP even sven. This has been something I’ve been saying to my circle of friends for a while now. I would much rather hang out with someone who is not very bright but loving and compassionate than to hang out with someone who is very smart but boorish and cruel.

Actually I think he sucked at public speaking - didn’t appear to like to use teleprompters, and often (I believe) thought he’d do better if he just ‘talked to people’. Apparently, no one told him “you suck at public speaking”

First, “Maybe you would and maybe you wouldn’t [die if dropped into a primitive farm]”. Duh! That’s my point. If I did. I didn’t say I definitely would.
And as to the first question, think of it as something more like this: when I was at uni, we had a good chunk of international students. Obviously if they made it into a university, they won’t be a moron*. There are still going to be things they struggle with because they are in a strange culture. Even with all the international students (so you’d think people would see how they often are very smart, just like intranational students are often very smart) around, people would often think that one was dumb because he didn’t understand something that’s obvious to us.

Perhaps it was something as simple as leaving your expensive stuff out for everyone to see, while you leave for 10-15 minutes to go to the bathroom and grab a coffee. Then their stuff gets stolen. Wow, how stupid! Except that they grew up in a close knit community where the people they were around would watch everyone’s items if they had to to run somewhere.

Or maybe they didn’t get how to use a vending machine, even though god, it’s so obvious! And even when you explain it to them, they’re still confused! Man, they’re dumb!

But no, they’re not. They just don’t know this. And that’s tying into the posts that say people are confusing intelligence with education. I agree, but what I’m saying is that a lot of people who will think someone is dumb or stupid is doing so because the so-called dumb/stupid person has a lack of education of the specific situation.

  • Debates about the watering down of academic rigor belong in another thread. :wink:

Are those the only choices? How about hanging out alone? That would be my choice.

Being especially prone to coming to, and believing incorrect conclusions

Being especially prone to making mistakes caused by poor logic, or failure to apply logic

Being especially prone to repeating those same mistakes

First off, I didn’t define “stupid” as being of low I.Q. I wouldn’t want to limit the definition of “stupid” like that. I think Forrest Gump said it best when he said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Second, Dr. McCoy, saying that that survival of the fittest (with the assumption that higher intelligence is more fit, which could be a thread all on its own) is a good thing by Darwinian standards doesn’t say anything about how I feel about it or what I value.

Third, for all of you splitting education and culture hairs, I don’t think anyone here is talking about stupid people being people who don’t understand a foreign culture or people who haven’t had any opportunities.

He was the leader of (arguably) the most powerful country in the world for eight years - how much farther do you think he could have gone? Pope? Messiah? :slight_smile:

Nice OP, sven. Something I have thought too, but always good to be reminded.

I don’t think occupation of the White House had fuck-all to do with his making the most of his intelligence or his education. It had everything in the world to do with opportunity and connections.

I so don’t get this arbitrary dichotomy. This is usually how it is presented, too. Why are stupid people somehow seen as naturally more compassionate? How come intelligent people are usually characterized in these threads as boorish and cruel? Is it boorish and cruel to mock these young women who did a very, very stupid thing? I suppose it’s not the best manners, but really–is the OP walking into their hospital rooms, lecturing them on their stupidity? That would be boorish and cruel.

Frankly, most of the boorish and cruel people I’ve met in my life have been stupid as well. They tend not to have much perspective and they tend to not think things through. They also tend to keep others in line via bullying or teasing. None of these behaviors is limited to the stupid or the intelligent, of course, but the more enlightened tend to have better coping skills with the shit life hands them.

Human behavior will always be remarked upon. We are social animals and talk about others to learn our boundaries and our mores, among other things. It’s not so horrible to talk about this kind of thing. I don’t find it godawful to make a scathing remark (or 2 or 10) about 2 women who risked their lives in the way these 2 did. Stupidity costs us all a great deal of money, time and effort. You can feel sorry for them (and a small part of me does), but I am not going to defend their right to be stupid. I can’t see the outrage at Stoid’s thread. Or is this yet another example of no matter what topic is picked to be Pitted, it is all the Pitter’s fault, no matter what?

And the third one is THE indicator. We all have done stupid things. Some of us somehow managed to survive anyway. We (sometimes) learn from it. But if you keep doing it, then you are truly stupid.