In which Punha has the strangest morning all year; or, HUH?

This thread does not contain any sexual requests from my roommate, nor does it explore my horniness or the size of my penis. Sorry for the anti-climax.

This morning, as I was getting back from breakfast and going to the campus bookstore, I saw, yet again, this guy who looks so much like a friend of mine from HS that this time I had to know. I’ve seen him around on campus before, but I figured since he said “I’m staying at Macon. All four years. I’m tired of having to move around” that he’d mean it.

Guess not. After I looked at him long enough he realized who I was. And we sat and chatted about various people we’d known (one friend is engaged, another’s living in a commune in Oregon, and a third . . . he’s still alive, we think). He’s a history major, which is about as surprising to me as seeing a thread in the pit, period. He’s the kind of guy who’s sit and read a history book for fun. He’s thinking about becoming a politician. I worry:)

When I left high school, I had no intention of ever going back. I thought I might run into people from my high schol at random . . . if they were visiting DC, the two who were going to my school, and later on in academic competitions. I had and still have a strong desire to keep at least 500 miles between me and what nearly took my sanity (among other things).

Fortunately for both me and my sanity this guy largely had no part in that. He was a nice enough guy (if nothing else, a completely neutral effect on my sanity, which compared with everything else is about as nice a compliment as I can pay anyone there) and he’s still nice. Completely harmless. Opinionated, but out of senior mode and into living life, having fun and being a nice person. We talked about why Eminem gets grammies for being a bigot (please, no GD here:)), while Dr. Laura gets taken off the air. We talked about how wild various dorms were (relative to the peaceful ones). He told me about how he was worried about the excessive drinking of two former classmates and I was not surprised in the least.

I never in a million years expected to see this guy again (at least, while we were both alive). Can anyone top this, or is it just a very sleepy and sick punha who thinks this is totally bizarre and out of left field foul territory?


OK, if I unnerstan’ what yer wanting to hear, i.e. stories of meeting people you used to know in unexpected places, then I’ve got a good 'un. (BTW, hiya, 'pun!)

In fifth grade (1981) a new girl showed up in our class well after the start of the new year. She wound up being one of the clique-less outcasts so I, as a fellow outcast, ended up hanging out with her for the rest of the year. When the next school year started she was gone. I never heard what happened to her.

Flash forward to summer before my senior year in HS ('88). My brother and I take a bus trip from home (mountains of NC) to Sacramento, CA to visit my aunt. On Day 2 of the drive the bus stops in some no-name, dirt-farm town in the middle of Texas. And who gets on the bus? That same girl from my fifth grade class. Seven years later and a thousand miles away I run into someone I knew for 8 months.

It’s a weird world.

Yeah, matt, I know . . . with a title like that you’d kinda be expecting something on that order, wouldn’t you?

This guy is straight, though (far as I know; I told him I’m bi, and he got this surprised face and then he was cool about it).

Just for you, though, matt . . .

::inserts bit about horny-as-hell roommate, repeated requests for sex “You let me fuck you, I’ll let you fuck me”, and the statement “Dude, I’ve got a cold. I might choke on your dick and die.”::

And I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s big enough. For some people it would probably be too big.

All other required details can be found in previous JDT threads. And no, I’m not going to point you to a specific thread, because quite frankly I don’t remember which one:)

That is cool pun. Really.

I keep thinking that I’m going to run into an ex-boyfriend from HS while I’m in San Antonio. He moved down here to live with his father both junior and senior years of high school, and I have no idea where he is now. Meeting him could get ugly.


BTW… I will be more than happy to come back up there and help your roommate. I hear there’s a lovely expedition to the Galapagos Islands. During the rainy season. On a ship with an all-male crew that hasn’t seen port in six months. Tell him to bring plenty of soap.

It’s a small world after all
It’s a small world after all
it’s a small small world.

I’ve run into people like that every once in awhile. The weirdest, though, was this guy I knew my freshman year in college, A.J. He was one of those people who was a friend of friends of mine and always seemed to be at the same parties or at a friend’s house when I went over there. He was a really nice guy, smart, very funny, etc. During my sophomore year, I started hanging out with a different crowd, as you do, and I didn’t see A.J. around anymore.

During my senior year, a girl I lived with said she had a date who was coming to pick her up. Turns out, it was A.J.! They dated for awhile, but things didn’t work out. Meanwhile, I graduated and moved out west.

Flash forward three years…I’m sitting in a bar in Salt Lake City. I had just stopped in for a few minutes because my roommate worked there and I was asking him for directions to the party that was going on later. I’m finishing up my beer, getting ready to leave, and a couple guys walk in…A.J.!! He had been skiing with some friends in Colorado and they had a layover in Salt Lake. The connecting flight was delayed, so they had a few hours to kill. We ended up going to see a band and we were able to drink a few beers together. Very cool. Haven’t seen him since and it’s been about 3 years. I completely expect to run into him again one day, though.

Wow, this thread reminds me of something that happened a couple weeks ago.

I was browsing at the REI store and I ran into one of my friends from college, I guy that I roomed with off-campus. I think the last time I had seen him was 10 or 11 years ago. We did the whole chit-chat thing…I told him I was married, had three kids, yada yada, and I asked him “So, how about you? Married? Kids?” He said, “No…I’m gay.”

Stunned reaction from me. I think I actually said “Get outta here! You are?!” He looked at me like I was the most clueless being on the planet and said “Oh, come on, you must have wondered in college.” I confirmed that I was, in fact, the most clueless being on the planet and said “You know, it never even occured to me.” This cluelessness was further confirmed to me when I told my wife (who also knew him in college) about it and she said “Well, duh!”

Although I do remeber thingking later “So THAT explains the subscription to the International Male catalog. I don’t recall him ever ordering any clothes from it…”

Anyway, we exchanged our business cards and are going to get together soon to catch up. The strangest part (for me)wasn’t that I was surprised to see him, or that he came out. It was that it had been more than ten years since I had seen him. God, am I really getting that old?

I’ve had something like that happen twice, and both with people I was very good friends with in high school. During college (in Iowa) I used to fly through Denver to get back home to Seattle. In the winter of my sophomore year, I was standing in the Denver airport looking at the departure monitors, trying to find my connecting flight. I found it, turned around, and literally ran into my friend Andrew. We were both thrilled-- he was in school in Illinois but had been skiing in CO before going home for Christmas. We both yelled, and he picked me up and swang me around in a huge circle, both of us laughing like idiots. Very fun.

And a year ago, again heading back to Seattle, but this time from Minnesota via St. Louis, I happened to glance up from my book at the people boarding my connecting flight. There, coming down the aisle, was my excellent friend Laura, coming from Maine. Her assigned seat was even in the same row as me, so it felt like kismet.

This just happened to me monday night.

I used to hang out with this guy named Rodney in jr. high. Did all the typical stuff, cut school, first toke of mj, that kind of thing. Anyway one day we were cutting school when we ran into some older guys from our neighborhood. They’re planning to swipe a couple of cases of soda, us being young fools decide to help. Get caught. Parents pick us up. No longer allowed to associate with the "BAD INFLUENCE". End of the year his family moved.
FFWD 20 & some odd years

Monday night I’m in Kmart picking up a gift for my 8 y/o’s BD. When I hear this really familiar voice. I look around don’t see anybody I know. I get to the cashier and I hear it again. I turn again and he’s at the cashier in the next lane. I looked and said “Rodney” he looks up and recognizes me immediately. We talked for a while, and plan to meet soon.

Last summer, I went an honors program at Samford University for high schoolers that had just completed junior year. I met a really cool guy named Alex there, we hit it off, became friends. The program only lasted 12 days, though, and I didn’t get his email address. Nine months went by; I basically forgot about him, except for passing thoughts.
I went to All-State Choir last month, also at Samford University. I was watching one of the other choirs do their dress rehearsal when I saw a bass that I thought looked familiar. I said, “Oh my God, that’s Alex…I think!” I found a list of names, and sure enough, his name was on it. Of course, I didn’t find out he was there until the LAST day of All-State, but I still got to talk to him after the concert (and get his email address)!

I grew up in Kentucky, and during high school I went to two different summer programs: Governor’s School for the Arts after my sophomore year, and Governor’s Scholars after my junior year. At GSA, I met a girl, Ashley, who was a dance major (I was in creative writing.) We didn’t get to know each other too well, because there were several hundred kids there.

The next summer, at GSP, as I’m moving in the dorm, I see that Ashley is also there and is assigned to a room just down the hall. During that time we got to be pretty good friends, but we lived in towns that were more than three hours apart, so although we wrote and called, we didn’t see each other much after that summer. When we graduated, I came to college in South Carolina and she went to Alabama. We lost touch.

Flash forward five years. I’m still in South Carolina, going to grad school. One summer evening I walk into this coffee shop that I often went in. I was talking to my boyfriend and not paying attention to the person behind the counter until…I look up at her and she looks at me. Simultaneously we screamed each other’s name, and she came rushing from behind the counter and we did a spontaneous (and somewhat embarrassing) hugging-and-jumping-up-and-down thing. It was amazing that we had run into each other again and that we recognized each other so immediately.

And it gets better, sort of. Or worse, in this case.

At the beginning of fall term, frosh year, we were doing intros for my dorm floor. One of the guys was named Blake. I think to myself . . . this guy is the spitting image of a guy I went to grade school with, down to the leg hair. Find out his last name. Yup, that’s him. And a girl I went to grade school with for a few years back in the 80s is going here too. At least she was. Had a psyc class with my former roommate that term.

Don’t know much of anything, my love.

BUT…I love you dearly, does that count for anything?


Virtually married to iampunha, although he doesn’t choose to admit it these days…