This thread does not contain any sexual requests from my roommate, nor does it explore my horniness or the size of my penis. Sorry for the anti-climax.
This morning, as I was getting back from breakfast and going to the campus bookstore, I saw, yet again, this guy who looks so much like a friend of mine from HS that this time I had to know. I’ve seen him around on campus before, but I figured since he said “I’m staying at Macon. All four years. I’m tired of having to move around” that he’d mean it.
Guess not. After I looked at him long enough he realized who I was. And we sat and chatted about various people we’d known (one friend is engaged, another’s living in a commune in Oregon, and a third . . . he’s still alive, we think). He’s a history major, which is about as surprising to me as seeing a thread in the pit, period. He’s the kind of guy who’s sit and read a history book for fun. He’s thinking about becoming a politician. I worry:)
When I left high school, I had no intention of ever going back. I thought I might run into people from my high schol at random . . . if they were visiting DC, the two who were going to my school, and later on in academic competitions. I had and still have a strong desire to keep at least 500 miles between me and what nearly took my sanity (among other things).
Fortunately for both me and my sanity this guy largely had no part in that. He was a nice enough guy (if nothing else, a completely neutral effect on my sanity, which compared with everything else is about as nice a compliment as I can pay anyone there) and he’s still nice. Completely harmless. Opinionated, but out of senior mode and into living life, having fun and being a nice person. We talked about why Eminem gets grammies for being a bigot (please, no GD here:)), while Dr. Laura gets taken off the air. We talked about how wild various dorms were (relative to the peaceful ones). He told me about how he was worried about the excessive drinking of two former classmates and I was not surprised in the least.
I never in a million years expected to see this guy again (at least, while we were both alive). Can anyone top this, or is it just a very sleepy and sick punha who thinks this is totally bizarre and out of left field foul territory?