In which Steophan hijacks an ATMB thread about misogyny by accusing Blasey Ford of false accusation

Steophan: There is no evidence.
A: Here’s some evidence.
B: Here’s some more.
C: Also here’s a bit.
Steophan: There is NO evidence.
A: We just showed you evidence, but here’s some more.
B: I have more.
C: Also here’s a bit.
Steophan: Still not one scintilla of evidence.

Classic steophapping. Try not to get any on you.

There are ways for her accusation to be proven false. If she or Kavanaugh were conclusively shown to be elsewhere at the time, or he had an injury which prevented him from holding a person down, or we had a text from her to a friend stating that she was going to make up allegations to bring him down, etc. Something like that would show that she was speaking falsely (and the last bit would also prove malice).

Instead we end up having no proof supporting her statement. As I’m sure you know, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just because you can’t prove it, that’s not proof in and of itself. That lack of evidence is why I myself don’t call Kavanaugh a rapist, but it’s also why I won’t call her a liar.

Essentially, he’s innocent until proven guilty. But so is she. You are perpetuating logical fallacies in your assertions, over and over again.

I see you refuse to address Kavanaugh’s lies and his fishy finances.

You mean, like who paid of all his big debts, and WHY.

He also lied big time about his college drinking which was especially relevant given the allegations against him.

…I am, surprisingly enough, doing neither of these things. But you would know that if you just took the time to actually read what I had written.

The claim “all the evidence opposes it” can only stand if you can present, here in this thread, all of that evidence. That is your burden, not mine. You made an affirmative claim. Its your job to defend that claim, if you can.

Ford did report her claim to the authorities. How was it do you think she ended up testifying at the hearings?

I would accept “all of the evidence.” I would even accept only “some of the evidence”. You have presented “no evidence” in this thread though that backs up your assertion. Let me know when you do.

Nope. What it shows is that you know perfectly well you can’t back up your statement so you are doing your absolute best to obfuscate, deflect, dance and pivot to try and save face.


No twisting going on here. A reminder of your claim:

You didn’t say “I think what she said was false.” You didn’t claim that “I think the evidence shows that what she said was false.” I wouldn’t have had a problem with either of those statements because both of those statements would clearly have been merely your opinion. But you’ve gone further than that. You stated that is has been shown to have been false. That takes your statement outside the realms of “your subjective opinion” and into the realm of an objective claim. It isn’t my burden to prove your claim is true.

So you’ve really only got two options here. You can continue to insult me (yes, just because you did quote me didn’t mean you weren’t talking to me), and make wild allegations, or you can begin to start proving that your assertion is based on fact. You can’t gish gallop me. I eat gish gallop for breakfast.

I could see that “But” coming a mile away.
I’m sure you thought this was a reasonable and gracious response, BUT did yocu take a moment to process what margin shared with you? Did you take it to heart?

I mean, really?
“Admittedly problematic”?
“Need to come a long way”?
“Mutual respect?”
That sounds like something a company spokesperson would say before announcing that no worker’s compensation will be paid for the accident.
“Mistakes were made. We all need to do better. Let’s move on and all try to get along.”

It sounds especially hollow when it’s a lead-in to questioning the relevance of what margin has gone through.

As margin has already plainly pointed out, the relevance should be obvious.
She’s shared her experience as a brave woman who has been attacked by cowardly men in the past, now being attacked by a cowardly man in a thread about another brave woman who was (obligatory “allegedly”) attacked by a cowardly man.
If you can’t see the relevance, maybe you’re part of the problem being described. I’m sure she’s already encountered enough men questioning the relevance or significance of her experience.

If you can now see the relevance, how about at least sending an acknowledgement to margin? A little “Got it. Thanks,” at the least.

Can we take it, then, that you will no longer be complaining about potty language in the Pit?

Agreed, seconded, liked and subscribed.

How about empathy?

And that is why I’ve given up on Shodan; a coward, a bully, a hollow man.

Of course. He’s no vampyr, Sookie (Hmm. I’m not sure there’s a typography that’d really do justice to that overacting. Shame.). Vampires have class.
(except those shiny ones who’re into high school girls like that’s not creepy at all. We don’t talk about those.)

Well they are all on Giraffeboard. I don’t believe they look too kindly on posting crap from that board on this one. Anyway, I have no interest in citing anything anyway. Steophan knows exactly what I’m talking about. Why don’t you ask him?

Okay, thanks.

And if you had a 15 year old daughter, and she went to a party anyway without telling you despite knowing that you wouldn’t allow it if she asked permission: she’s sure as hell not going to tell you about it if things do go wrong, is she? Nor is she going to go to the police, who will almost certainly tell you. Nor is she going to tell anybody else who might let you find out. (What do you imagine the police would have done anyway, nearly forty years ago? Her word against both of theirs, and no major injuries to show?)

15 year olds do things their parents don’t know about all the time. I’ve been 15.

I went a number of places when I was 15, with or without my parents. Can I now, or could I have when it was only some 35 years ago, identify with any accuracy when I was at which place or who was there?

Let’s move a little later, because at 15 I didn’t get to a lot of parties. I did, however, go to a whole lot of parties a few years later, when I was in college. Some of them were in dorm rooms, some of them were in people’s houses. I remember a number of things that happened at those parties, none of them anywhere near as traumatic as what Ford describes; some of them were quite pleasant, some were annoying or even upsetting, some were just odd enough to stick in my memory. I do not now, nor did I when it was less than forty years ago instead of about 50, remember whose room or in which house any of those things occured; nor could I pin any of them down to a particular date – well, the one that was occasioned by the solar eclipse could be pinned to a specific date. I’d have to look it up, though; without looking up that eclipse I couldn’t pin it to a specific year, never mind date. Nor do I now remember exactly who was at which party. If I had to back up a friend that we were or that we weren’t at a party together on a particular date, I wouldn’t be able to swear to it, either.
I have no trouble at all imagining that what Ford remembers of a particular party over thirty years ago isn’t where it was, or when it was, or exactly who was there, or how she got there, or how she got home; but that she nevertheless remembers from that night one thing, and that one thing seared into her memory: being pinned down on a bed while Kavanaugh tried to pull her clothes off and he and Judge laughed at her.
Nobody who was at that party but not in that one room would have remembered it, because they wouldn’t have known it was happening. Kavanaugh and Judge might have even forgotten it: not only because they were drunk, but because it might not have mattered to them. To them, her panic and outrage might have been a laughing matter.

Could Ford now be mistaken? Possible. Maybe it wasn’t Kavanaugh. Maybe it wasn’t Judge. Maybe it was two other people, or one other person. But there is by now no way to prove she’s mistaken, for the exact same reasons that there’s by now no way (if there ever was) to prove she’s telling the truth. If there were proof Kavanaugh was somewhere else entirely for all of the days in, say, 1981 to 1983 when Ford might possibly have been able to go to such a party, then it could be proven it wasn’t him. But there is no such proof.

Even if there were, it wouldn’t prove she was deliberately lying.

Could she have been deliberately lying? Well, maybe. She must have had some idea what sort of meat grinder she’d be walking into by making the accusation, and that she’d be unlikely to ever get entirely back out of that meat grinder for the rest of her life; so it seems to me massively unlikely. Others may think otherwise, and can certainly say that they think it’s likely. But to say that it’s proven she’s lying is absolute nonsense.

Suddenly, you’re demanding Kavanaugh have an alibi for two years. The only time this incident could have occurred is the first half of the summer of 82 based on Ford’s testimony. Ford specifically states seeing Mark Judge working at a supermarket six to eight weeks after the alleged incident. This could have only occurred in the summer of 82.

How could you not know this? Only a person unfamiliar with this case would write what you wrote. Please go educate yourself.

LOL. You’re the dipshit who once cited the comments section.

Hmmm. I write a post pointing out that people forget many details over time, and in the process accidentally reveal that, over the past year or so, I forgot a detail of Ford’s testimony.

Doesn’t change anything else that I said.

“But now the authors had Keyser, in her own words, going much further, to say that Ford’s description of the party didn’t make any sense to her. Among other problems with the story was the fact that Keyser had only gone on a date or two with Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge, and the party she recalled attending with him was very different from the one Ford described. Keyser told the authors that she spent 70 hours a week that summer in question working and practicing golf after her shift ended at the Congressional Country Club. Ford says she was at a different country club prior to the early-evening party where the alleged assault occurred, but Keyser only recalled helping Ford practice diving at that country club early in the morning.”

How many details of Ford’s allegation have to be proven false before you stop believing her?

You’ve shown, by your posts, again and again, that you don’t care about allegations of sexual assault unless they’re against someone you dislike. You value supporting Trump and allies more than actually fighting sexual assault and rape. With that in mind, there’s no point in actually considering your arguments or engaging with you – you debate in bad faith, lie, and otherwise behave in a manner that renders discussion pointless.

IOW, go away you fucking troll.

If this were a meme, you would be that woman yelling and pointing, and I’d be the cat mocking you.

“Christine Blasey Ford’s Father Supported Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation”

“Ralph Blasey, Ford’s father, went out of his way to offer to Ed Kavanaugh his support of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, according to multiple people familiar with the conversation that took place at Burning Tree Club in Bethesda, Maryland. “I’m glad Brett was confirmed,” Ralph Blasey told Ed Kavanaugh, shaking his hand. Blasey added that the ordeal had been tough for both families.”

None of this, nor any of your other posts, dispute anything I’ve said. You’re taking down strawmen, and you continue to be a dishonest troll.

National Review. The Federalist. Ford’s dad is a Trumpie, which means not that ford is a liar but that her dad is a scumbag.

You DO realize there’s a nasty sexist story behind that meme, right?

Well over 30 years later, Keyser doesn’t remember a particular party.

That certainly doesn’t prove that she was there. But it also doesn’t prove that she wasn’t. And it most certainly doesn’t make Ford’s allegation “proven false”.

Not to mention that Ford’s allegations about specific behavior by Kavanaugh and Judge aren’t even “proven false” if we presume that it’s Ford, not Keyser, who’s mistaken, again well over 30 years later, about whether Keyser was somewhere else in the building at the time, or about exactly where either of them was at what time earlier in the day.

If you want to say that you think Keyser’s statement makes it unlikely that Ford’s allegations about Kavanaugh and Judge are true, feel free. The problem I and others in this thread are having is with statements such as “proven false”.