In which Steophan hijacks an ATMB thread about misogyny by accusing Blasey Ford of false accusation

You are one slimy little worm, aren’t you Steophan?

If you’re convinced that Christine Blasey Ford lied, you’ve got the whole board in which to raise that issue. But the latest ATMB thread about misogyny on the Dope was not the place for that. It was your attempt to turn the thread into being all about your repulsive hobby-horse.

If anything, you’re likely the one making a false accusation. So kindly go fuck yourself.

Steophan is a proven unapologetic liar who praised a convicted murderer, (Michael Dunn), who killed a black child and attempted to kill several other fleeing black children, as “the sort of people normal people want around them”. No surprise that he’s also someone who denigrates women for nothing more than talking about their experiences.

Whenever there is a discussion on misogyny around here, one of the crew come along and shut that shit down, enabled by the feckless mods.

Yeah, mostly I’m opening this thread just to avoid getting in a back-and-forth with him in ATMB that would help him succeed in hijacking that thread. I’ve reported him and asked the mods to shut down his hijack, but that was maybe an hour ago, so I’m willing to give them a bit more time.

While the thread was about misogyny, the specific instance of perceived misogyny was the comment that Ms Ford’s accusations exposed the Kavenaugh family to death threats. This was then decried as victim blaming. Stating that Ms. Ford is not a victim because her accusations were false is not departing from the discussions at all, and it certainly is no hijack. Note that I’m not saying I agree with the assertion that her accusations were false (I in the end found her believable), but that I disagree that arguing it cannot be victim blaming if she is not in fact a victim, is a hijack about a thread arguing a comment was victim blaming for that very specific case.

He didn’t just say that he thinks her accusations are false – he accused her of lying. Then he sort of half-way took it back, but that just shows you how dishonorable a poster Steophan is – a liar, he has no problem throwing around baseless and possibly even insincere allegations of lying against women who did nothing more than talk about their own experiences.

You should perhaps try reading the posts you quote.

It’s certainly the case that the evidence shows that Kavanaugh did not assault Ford, and that she is not a victim of him. That is not misogyny, it is a dispassionate observation of the evidence. And, as she is not a victim of Kavanaugh, it is not victim-blaming to blame her for anything that happened to him.

Expecting women who claim to be victims of crime to prove that claim to the same standards as anyone else is the opposite of misogyny, it is treating them equally. Claiming that women should be believed over men is, however, discrimination, and should be unacceptable - just like any form of discrimination.

But the reason this was brought up in the first place is that the prevalance of false accusations makes it harder to believe, at least to the degree needed for prosecution, any other claims of rape, and that those who falsely calim to have been abused are effectively enabling other abusers.

Ford is simply the most high profile person to have been shown to be making false accusations recently.

What a dishonorable and dishonest piece of shit you are. You rail about “innocent until proven guilty” for killers and abusers when people describe them that way, and then have no problem describing a woman as a liar (and therefore a perjuring criminal!) and a false accuser, without evidence of lying or exculpatory proof that the allegation is false, when she hasn’t been close to proven to be lying or a false accuser.

Why doesn’t “innocent until proven guilty” apply to your characterization of Ford? Why are you so convinced she’s guilty of lying (you did, in fact, say that she lied, even as you hedged in a later post) and/or a false allegation?

These are rhetorical questions, by the way, since you’re such a dishonest and dishonorable piece of shit that I know you don’t have an actual answer for them.

That’s one way of recapping what he wrote, but not necessarily how I read it. Regardless, he was pitted and reported for hijacking that thread. My point is he didn’t. To which you replied he is a liar. You are now hijacking this thread.

Huh? I didn’t start this thread. I don’t know what you’re talking about here. Maybe you should read the sequence of posts, with posters, again. And how could I be hijacking a pitting of a poster by criticizing that poster?

The level of hatred and ignorance in this thread is just astounding. It floors me that anyone would talk to a rape victim in this way. But hey, she’s not a human being who went through a horrible tragedy – she’s a Democrat, so she deserves it…

Ford has never even claimed to be a rape victim. And, the claims she did make are, based on the evidence, false. She’s definitely a human, though, humans are the only animals capable of making false accusations about people.

And don’t give me this bullshit about “evidence”. There’s plenty of evidence that Zimmerman lied dozens on times in his testimony to the police. There’s plenty of evidence that Kavannaugh had a pattern of abusing women all through his college career. None of that matters; what’s REALLY important is getting a supreme court judge that will regain control of women’s bodies, and stop the gays from sodomizing each other.

I thought the most interesting part of that thread was asahi writing: “I’ve disagreed with Steophan a few times, but he doesn’t strike me as some sort of right wing automaton (not that being a left wing automaton would be any better).”

Two years later, asahi is calling for genocide of exactly the sort of people that **Steophan **represents.

No, you lying sack of crap, the evidence shows that Kavannaugh was a slimy sleezeball who sexually assaulted a bunch of women over his college career. He wrote about it on his fucking calendar. You ever wonder WHY Ford never came forward? It’s because of shitstains like you.

Firstly, she’s not been accused of anything, and she’s in no jeopardy, so the standard doesn’t need to apply. But secondly, the bulk of the evidence shows that her accusation is false. Were there a civil trial, with only the evidence that is in the public domain presented, she would lose.

In short, she has been proven to have made a false accusation by the preponderance of evidence. The same level of evidence that has proven that OJ Simpson killed his wife. It makes no sense to believe one fact but not the other.

You are factually wrong, and almost certainly intentionally wrong. There is no corroborated evidence that Kavanaugh abused anyone, and plenty of evidence that the one specific one that was claimed is false.

His calendar is one of the main pieces of evidence that proves he didn’t assault Ford.

Bullshit. Steophan’s characterization of evidence is useless, since you’ve got such a record of dishonesty and dishonorable posting behavior.

You’re just a lying piece of shit who, for some reason, enjoys denigrating women who did nothing more than talk about their experiences, and praising convicted murderers and attempted murderers of black children.

Literally none of those things are true, apart from the fact that you think that relying on the actual evidence is bullshit.

As for gays and sodomy, I obviously am not against that, as it happens I rather enjoy it. As for women’s bodies, even if I did think that life begins at conception (something I honestly haven’t decided, not least because I don’t really care) my strong support of the right to self defence - that you allude to in your post - would allow someone to remove someone from their body.

As for Kavanaugh, he is unsuitable to be a judge at any level for many reasons. That doesn’t make him an abuser, nor does it justify making false accusations about him.

That you think that anyone who disagrees with you must be a right wing fanatic says far more about you than me. I’m probably slightly right of centre overall, which in US terms makes me close to Sanders, as your political system is so fucked up. You really need to step outside your bubble and look at the actual facts, not just those that support your biases.

LOL when the proven, unapologetic liar rants about “actual facts”. If Steophan cared about actual facts, he wouldn’t have lied about me (or would have apologized for making a mistake in a post about me), and wouldn’t have praised a convicted murderer of a child (and attempted murderer of multiple children).