In which Steophan hijacks an ATMB thread about misogyny by accusing Blasey Ford of false accusation

I don’t enjoy denigrating most people, although those who lie in a way to cause harm to others are among them. Your repeated claims that I lie are amusing, as you have still failed to provide evidence of it. I’ve certainly been mistaken about things before, and when I am I apologise for it.

What I’m not wrong about is that you repeatedly make false claims both about what I’ve said and what I mean, despite repeated corrections on both counts.

I find it astonishing that being opposed to false accusations, but in favour of people defending themselves from life threatening attacks, are controversial opinions. I somewhat understand it in the Zimmerman case, as the reporting was so bad, but I know you’ve read all the threads and know he was defending himself - as shown by the testimony of Martin’s girlfriend, and Zimmerman’s injuries, among many other things.

I also note that you seem to think that I care about the gender or race of either victims or the accused. I don’t, it’s utterly irrelevant and should be treated as such at all stages of an investigation.

You are wrong about what I’ve said, wrong about what I mean, wrong about what it says about me, wrong about Ford, wrong about Zimmerman, wrong about your general worldview, you are wrong in your patronising claims that people of certain genders or races need to be treated with kid gloves by the law, and probably much else.

For those reading along, this convicted murderer was threatened with a shotgun for telling people to turn their music down from antisocial levels, and convicted both of murder for shooting the one who threatened him, and attempted murder for shooting at their vehicle as it sped away. I’ve repeatedly said that the attempted murder charge was valid but the murder not - and the praise I gave him was for standing up to a group of people who were acting antisocially.

Obviously Andy would prefer to live in a world where it’s fine to threaten someone for telling you to turn your music down in a public place. Personally, I think that’s unacceptable, and I don’t think that should be considered an unreasonable opinion.

I provided the exact cite, with your own words. Once again, you, specifically, with your own words, made a claim about me that I challenged as incorrect, and you neither provided evidence that your claim about me was true nor withdrew your claim and apologized for it. And you, specifically, praised a man (Dunn) who was convicted of murdering a child, and attempting to murder fleeing children, as “the sort of people normal people want around them”. Your own words about Dunn, with a cite.

These are facts about what you’ve posted. You haven’t even tried to refute these specific facts.

Then why haven’t you apologized to me for the baseless claim you made about me?

You’ve provided no evidence that the specific things, with cites, that I posted about you are false. The only way they could possibly be false would be either if you apologized for your lies about me, and if your account was hacked when you praised Dunn.

You’re a serial liar. You’re an extremely lazy poster. You don’t even try to back up your lies. Just pathetic, dishonorable, and dishonest.

Ha! This actually reiterates my claim. Here’s Steophan, once again, praising a murderer of a child and attempted murderer of fleeing children as “standing up to a group of people who were acting antisocially”. He’s also, incidentally, claiming as factual that this murderer was “threatened” by the murdered child, despite no corroborating evidence (certainly no shotgun!) as well as clear evidence the murderer lied during the investigation and trial.

If anyone wants a cite that Steophan thinks it’s praiseworthy to kill children who behave “antisocially”, here’s a very clear example. Steophan is a person who thinks it’s admirable to shoot an antisocial child.

You mean these?

Steophan: What surprises me is that survivors aren’t furious about those who lie about being abused.
MrDibble: Here on the board?
Steophan: No, people like Ms Ford.

Seems unambiguous to me. Not to mention, you were hijacking the thread in a disruptive manner. So you can continue to fuck off.

I’m just going to lay my cards on the table: I like andy and don’t like Steophan.

Straight talk express, coming through!

Thank you. I like you too. And I like RTFirefly. And babale and madmonk28.

Kavanaugh receiving death threats? My vague impression (I don’t follow the news much) is that Ms. Ford has suffered much more serious harassment and threats. Am I wrong?

And [hijack?] I was surprised in a recent thread where right-wingers seemed convinced that Ms. Ford was lying. My own intuitions and understanding of human nature make her about 98% to be a truth-teller. What do rational Dopers think?

@ Steophan: If the partisan alignment were reversed — if, for example, Al Franken denied accusations against him with details identical to those of Kavanaugh-Ford — would the Misogynist Idiots ally with the man? Or against the Democrat?

Christine Blasey Ford getting an ACLU award for courage.

Why aren’t the Democrats investigating these allegations by this brave woman?

Are people howling mad at their Democratic representatives for not investigating these allegations against Kavanaugh?
From 35 years ago?
That are unsubstantiated and uncorroborated?

Perhaps the Democrats are waiting until there is a Democratic president so they can impeach Kavanaugh based on his history of sexual assault and have him replace by someone more liberal.

I doubt it but it’s he only reason I can think of for the lack of investigation.

Unless the whole thing was political theater to gin up outrage at the 11th hour in the hopes of delaying the confirmation until after the 2018 election in the hopes that the senate would flip.

The House Judiciary Committee has, in fact, begun inquiries into Kavanaugh:

I expect that the impeachment inquiry is currently their top priority, but they have shown plenty of interest in investigating Kavanaugh. Hopefully this will continue.

When music is too loud, guns are A-OK. Got it. Even when the person playing the loud music doesn’t threaten anyone with a “gun or stick”.

Not just A-OK, but worthy of praise and admiration, according to Steophan! He didn’t just say that what Dunn did (killing an unarmed child) was acceptable, he said it marks him as “the sort of people normal people want around them” and praises him for “standing up to a group of people who were acting antisocially”.

Strongly disagree. The thread is about misogyny on the boards, and getting into a debate over whether or not Ford was telling the truth would completely derail the thread, and drown out the voices of those concerned about misogyny on the Dope and the board’s responses to it.

The appropriate response for those with an issue over her veracity would be to open (yet) another thread about that subject, and link to it in the ATMB thread.

Per my OP, Steophan wasn’t content to raise the issue once, but rather kept on coming back to it over and over again. He is exactly the sort that’s chasing women off the boards. His kind ought to be kicked off the board, and they can be that way on 8chan or somewhere.

Maybe because the Democrats are elected officials who are there to legislate and govern, not run investigations?

If only there was some kind of body within the Federal government that was there to investigate things… a Federal body of Investigations, if you will. It would be their job to investigate this, right?

Yeah, she can safely move back home any time. :rolleyes:

She is legally barred from moving home? Cite?

Are you capable of not lying about what was actually said? Cite?

I’d like to know who paid that sleazebag’s bills off. What was it, $200,000 on debts, plus a $1 mil for the mortgage?

This kind of amazing. Do you seriously define"safely" as “legally”? There are any number of things I can do legally but not safely.

I was talking about whether she was in legal jeopardy, as anyone who would have read the post knew. The only reason that Ford being, supposedly, unable to move back into her house would be relevant is if she’s somehow legally prevented from doing so.

If there are death threats that she feels make it too dangerous for her to move back, she should report them to the police to be dealt with. I’m sure there’s no chance that she’s failing to do that, but instead talking about the supposed threats publicly. It’s not like she has history of that or anything.