Industrial Grade Toilet Paper

Oh, yes. The work toilet paper. How it chafes. I never hear anybody else at work complaining about it, so I have to assume that my girly parts are ever-so-much more sensitive than theirs, and it’s just me. Yet I would never carry my own roll to the bathroom and back. It’s a problem for me.

Charmin To Go

I find it at Target now and then and buy it. I like to keep it in my car for road trips and whatnot. I also keep one in my backpack for hiking.

It’s small enough to fit in your desk discreetly but you can slip it in your pants pocket to go to the loo without carrying a roll of TP.

btw… it’s just over 21’ of TP per package.

On the same page:

Yeah, I can see that.

Genius!!! I’ll be going to Target today. I think this might be my answer. Thanks!

If it were me, I’d be putting 21" or so of the good enough paper from home into those little snack size ziplock bags instead of paying for prepackaged charmin. Same benefit, lower price, and even more discreet since it would not say Charmin all over it.

and Charmin don’t make you smell like a fresh diaper! :smiley:

Simple, yet brilliant!

For Real Men: Sandy Dunny Paper

When some family friends were visiting they told the following story. I was about 8 years old, so I might not have the details right, but bear with me.

The family friends had relatives in the newly liberated East Germany. They had heard about luxurious Western TP and wanted some, so the family friends sent them a few rolls. The next time they spoke to their relatives they asked what they thought of the TP. “It’s terrible! How can you use that stuff? It’s so flimsy, we had to wrap our hands in it to get the job done!” I guess it’s all a matter of what you’re used to.

“In Soviet Russia toilet paper wipes YOU.” or something…

I’ve got to stop posting to the fart/poop threads.

I do believe you mean Institutional toilet paper.

I really hope she meant the paper and not the cable. Fiber: Just Say ‘No’. :eek: :smiley:

I guess it depends on coworkers, your work environment, and how you play it off, I might carry the roll openly to the restroom, if anyone made any comment, I’d say hey don’t you see I have some important business right now, and BTW hold all calls.

The tagline I’ve always liked for institutional TP is a graffiti that seems fairly common: Another fine abrasive from 3M.
When I got out of the military and went back to college, I brought my own TP, and used it. Rationed it, and wouldn’t share.

My suitemates and roommate all were uncertain whether I were neurotic, or a genius. Considering the requests I got from all of them, from time to time, for the good stuff - I know what I thought.

For the folks in Purchasing, “industrial grade” means a fine-line compromise between “lowest price” and “will last forever.” In other words, you could wash your whole car with one little wad of industrial grade toilet paper, wring it out, and scrub the sink with it.

But if you did that, we wouldn’t have a Pine Fresh Scent in them! :stuck_out_tongue:

My father was apparently Traumatized by the toilet paper in Korea. He doesn’t really care where else my mother economizes, but he always insists on having the very best toilet paper available.