whats up with inert gasses? i mean they dont do anyhting, they dont get you high, they dont kill you, they dont explode thy dont even burn, the only cool one is helium, but that just makes your voice sound funny, ive seen potheads using it, and they think its a riot, but i mean, it needs to do somehting cool, like smell really bad like methane, or blow up likethe hindenburg,
ok this post is really dumb, sorry for wastingyour time,
maybe you could change it you what i like to do with not so inert gasses. like tell storys of your biggest fireball or somehting.
Recent research has shown that the Hindenburg would have gone up with helium, too. They doped it with, basically, solid rocket fuel (powdered aluminum and iron oxide). And the dope itself was (I assume) nitrocellulose dope, which becomes gun-cotton when it dries. And grounding problems turned separate sections into great big capacitors. Ground 'em, get a spark, the whole thing goes up like a bomb.
They had a special about it on PBS recently.
I thought that methane was odorless and they have to add stinky sulfur compounds to make it detectable.
I came in here thinking this was a fart thread, and, despite Fnord’s efforts, it’s about all that Periodic Table crap.
HOWEVER, being the helpful, diversely-intelligent old coot that I am, I can name another fun inert gas: Neon. Ever been to Vegas? It’s so brightly lit that you can’t even see the stars… oh… I like stars. DAMN THAT GAS!!!
ive finally made it, Spoofe had replyed to a post of mine
actually spoofe, i was trying to get people to tell storys of fireballs, and farts, but hey you cant argue with a hindenburg discussion.(sorry my bad) its not like everyone and their uncle havent seen 20 different discovery channel specials on it. so, lets get with the best fart storys, like the time you make the 80 year old nun pass out when you ripped one in the elevator. or how you lost your eyebrows to a propane stove accident