Infant genetal mutilation is a blood sacrifice to the demon Yahwe.

Really? Because I thought it was a parody of other people who cite their religion as a means of protesting against the ACA.

I’m pretty sure that’s not true for at least half the parents who have their infants circumcised.


Knock it off.


You missed my point. There are other reasons why men go under the knife… Like vasectomies for one.

Yéeaaah, I don’t pulling your foreskin down with your hand, while having sex, is in any way going to be an accurate simulation of sex with a circumsized penis. Who holds their penis while having intercourse anyway? That sounds totally awkward and uncomfortable, definitely not conducive to an enjoyable sexual experience.

So of course an uncircumcised man would prefer the version of sex that doesn’t require that he hold his dick in his hand the entire time. Honestly, neither cut or uncut men have any real frame of reference for what sex is like “on the other side”. Unless, of course, the circumsized man had the procedure performed as an adult, thereby allowing him the sexual perspective of both “types” of penises.

Are you an uncircumsied male?

Cause your post indicates you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Yup. Adult men. You know, with a choice.

Hah. Great thing about tradition, both genders enforce it.

I’m sorry; this isn’t the Pit.

I remember hearing a discussion about, ahem, this on NPR, and a guy called in to say that he had been circumcised as a sexually active adult, and said that the experience for him went from color to B&W, due to losing so many active nerve endings.

So, then, ignorance is bris?

Does the relevant law require anybody to undergo circumcision, or to perform it?

That is a genuine (albeit anecdotal) comparison of the two , um, “States of Manhood”. It’s in stark contrast to the previous comparison.

This so called “procedure” was performed on me in the 1980s when I was a newborn. My understanding is that anesthesia wasn’t used at that time. :eek: I’m too afraid to confront my parents about this issue, I fear the conversation will not go well. I’ve considered trying to track down the doctor who circumcised me and write him/her a letter about how I feel. But chances are they are retired or dead by now, and they probably wouldn’t apologize anyway, so what difference would it make?

There is a biomedical research company, called Foregen, which is trying to use stem cell regenerative medicine to regrow the foreskin and reattach it for men who are unhappy that they were circumcised. If they succeed and make that procedure affordable, I want to get my foreskin restored.

For any parents expecting a baby boy, I strongly recommend they watch the documentary American Circumcision, directed by Brendon Marotta. It’s about the circumcision debate. The film tries to fairly air the views of both sides of the debate. It’s on Amazon Video.

Good, informative rebuttal! Please, if you can see these errors in my thinking process, by all means, please point them out to me. I want nothing more than to be informed. General insults are a waste of time.

Damn, am I the only one that doesn’t miss their foreskin one bit?

Nope. I find the very concept of missing it or wanting it back entirely unrelatable. But hey, whatever floats your boat I guess.

Yeah, and the idea of confronting your parents, or looking up your old doctor seems way bizarre to me as well.

I wonder what lord cluthlu or the fsm thoughts would be on it … I mean he did mention the true gods ……:D:p