Injections on TV/movies drive me nuts!

Especially the cliched giant needle into the neck, WTF? What is the point of that, the characters never do it carefully enough to where it could be an IV injection, they are just jabbing it. So in that case the proper place to inject would be the thigh or buttocks or stomach fold, not into the neck where you could easily hit a nerve or artery.

Also unless it is IV it isn’t going to take effect instantly, more like a couple minutes. Double stupid points for instantly acting oral drugs, drugged tea for instance, where the character sips it and instantly collapses cold. You have to assume people in Hollywood have never taken a prescription in their life!

Much like DNA testing and lab results and fingerprint analyses on shows like CSI, they cut out a lot of that time to advance the plot faster. Unless the time between poison and antidote is crucial to the plot (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom comes to mind), then there’s no sense showing it. Those few seconds could be used selling shitty cars and fast food.

I totally understand what you’re saying, though. They just simplify the timeline.

What bothers me more than time lapses are technique issues, like you mentioned above with injection sites.

I hate it when they do the “flick tap” thing to a syringe, and yet it still has a big bubble of air in it, sloshing around.

It looks dramatic. The important thing in a work of fiction is the story, not the nitpicky little trivialities about details. Few people care and there’s no virtue in being upset about it.