Inner Stickler, expletive pronoun

Down with this sort of thing!

I expect more entertainment for my BBQ Pit dollar. This thread is kind of, I don’t know…gay…?

::ducks and runs:: j/k!!!

It is belittling, but it is the gay culture that promotes this. It’s the most gay-friendly people in the entertainment industry that refer to their gay fans as “their gays.” And, honestly, you are the first gay man I’ve ever noticed to actually voice being upset about it (unless some others in the thread were gay, and I just didn’t remember. Heck, I forgot you were gay, IS.)

And of course there is more than one gay culture. But that doesn’t mean we can’t generalize. If there was even a large minority of gay people were upset from the usage, I think we’d hear a lot more about it, and entertainers would have to avoid it, as the offended always have more power in the entertainment industry than the non-offended.

That’s kind of what I go for. Being gay is an aspect of me like my hair color or my shoe size and needs remarking on about as much. If popular entertainers are promoting stereotypes, I can’t control that except with my wallet, and i generally do. Minstrel shows used to be a huge part of Americana. That doesn’t mean people had to like it then, and I don’t have to like this now. But I don’t think it’s very much of a stretch to be put out by comments like ‘the care and feeding of your gay’.

Eats_crayons = Eats_shit
I haven’t read the rest of this thead but IS is one of the good ones.

You really are the village idiot.

Kindergarten is still a class.

This pitting seems to me neither happy nor 1890s. shrug

I endorse this Pitting just because I wouldn’t have noticed the original thread without it. And that thread is fabulous.

ETA: what happened to Sniffs_Markers?

I pit that entire thread - it wasn’t even remotely funny. It was just weird and I’m really surprised people actually found it funny. I really thought some people had a better sense of a humor than that - guess I was wrong.

Conversely, I find that thread funny and think that people who are pissed off at it need a better sense of humor.

More dispassionately, it’s apparent that there are people who get/enjoy tongue-in-cheek/ironic humor and people who don’t. One’s not necessarily better than the other, although being in the former category I naturally think it’s better to enjoy it.

Well, that backhanded slam sure convinced me of the error of my ways.

Really? Cool. I didn’t even intend it to.

What did you intend it to do?

Reiterate what the lone cashew said? Humor is subjective? The first sentence was itself tongue-in-cheek, because I found it funny that what OneMissedPost said applies equally well in the other direction because humor is so subjective. Humor you like is obviously better than humor you don’t like, but somehow Larry the Cable Guy still makes money.

I’m glad you wrote this, since I’d been trying to figure out how, exactly, a pronoun could be explicative.

No, I got the joke and it wasn’t funny.

It wasn’t witty. It wasn’t smart. It wasn’t classy.

It’s disturbing that humor has sunk that low.

Yes, that’s why I wrote enjoy, too. You clearly didn’t. De gustibus.

Silly me for expecting people to tell better jokes. I guess I better lower my expectations.

I would recommend changing the last word in your username.

Funny? :dubious: