Interchangeable actors

Brothers nothing, you could cast them as twins…identical twins, at that. The small differences between them are really no different than a lot of identical twins…this one got a little more sun, this one had a small DNA mutation giving him a mole, etc…


I always thought Ed Harris and Peter Weller were pretty damn interchangeable.

Nope, not at all for me. OTOH, Robert Downey, Jr. and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are near twins in terms of looks.

Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Cera. I’m not the only one: Eisenberg has complained about it.

Harry Dean Stanton and Billy Bob Thornton.

When I first saw previews for “Magic City”, I was genuinely surprised to discover Javier Bardem was doing a television series for a pay cable network. And then I was genuinely surprised to discover that wasn’t Javier Bardem.

A few weeks back there was a guy at the restaurant who was either Javier Bardem or the double of Javier Bardem. Having googled his brother and found that there’s no way anybody would mistake them, I’m now thinking it was either Javier Bardem or Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Does anybody know whether Morgan speaks Spanish?

One of my brothers has five non-brothers like that (at least three of them happen to be brothers to each other), three of them his same age; apparently he’s a very common model in Spain - but JB and JDM have very unusual looks.

I don’t feel that Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal are quite the same (to me), but for some reason Tobey Maguire and Elijah Wood share a single neuron in my brain.

Harris has never really done comedy like Jones has (in his indomitable deadpan style, natch). Harris would have never worked out well in the Men in Black movies, for example.

For years, Glenn Close was the “I’ll play light comedy and TV” edition of Meryl Streep. However, now that Streep allows herself to play comedy it’s pretty much down to TV or not TV.

I would have sworn that Kathleen Freeman playe “The Concierge” in “The Producers” (1968. Much to my surprise some years ago when I saw it, I thought, “That’s not Kathleen Freeman,” and the credit indicates it was a Madelyn Cates, who has a modest credit list of bit roles.

Similarly, I had thought that the role of Potiphar in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” was played by Glenn Shadix, but no. It’s Ian McNeice.

In either of those cases, I thing the substitution would have been seamless.

Meryl Streep homely? Maybe by Hollywood standards but she is an attractive woman.

I’m constantly forgetting which movies had Lee Marvin and which had James Coburn- to me, they were always interchangeable.

I can see how, in just their appearance, you could possibly get the two mixed up. But if you honestly think Lee Marvin and James Coburn were interchangeable, you haven’t seen the right Lee Marvin movies…

Melanie Griffith and Meg Ryan (OK…back in the 80’s)

Russel Crowe and Hugh Jackman

Paul Gleason (when he was alive) and Jeffrey Jones

Caine’s turn in Quills is worthy of Hopkins.

Bills Paxton and Pullman are the classic ones.

I always confuse Steve Buscemi and John Leguizamo after the fact.

They’re not identical by any means, but Mark Strong, Elias Koteas, and someone else… Jeremy Piven maybe, have enough overlap and a similar hair line and are often shaved, which confuses me. Some say Andy Garcia, but I don’t see it.

Kevin Bacon and Christian Slater. No idea what their degrees of separation are.
Guillermo del Toro and Peter Jackson didn’t look identical, but if I were to meet “a famous director,” I wouldn’t know how to meet him. Recent weight loss has made this easier.

Ms. Sagdiyev Isla Fisher and Amy Adams.

Kevin Bacon and Christain Slater were in Murder In The First together. Hardly any separation at all.

There’s a lot of pictures where Benicio del Toro looks like an ethnic Brad Pitt. Odd that one is thought an Adonis and the other often thought fugly.

They obviously don’t look anything alike, but I always have trouble remembering which one is Keith David and which one is David Keith.

Well, if you mean that Cassavetes would’ve kicked Coburn’s ass in ***The Dirty Dozen, ***I agree.