Interestng new book about the Iraq War - Answers lots of questions

The road to hell

Interesting doubtless. But what are we debating here?

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One of the interesting things that the book appears to infer, is that one of the the prime drivers behind the Iraq War was the focused, burning desire by (mainly Jewish, but also non-Jewish) neo-cons to insure the security of Israel. In the past I’ve brushed these allegations aside as anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish prejudice, but the book appears to take a fairly objective view throughout, and (if true) this element stands out as something the more sophisticated Arab critics of the Iraq War might have right about, and not so “irrationally paranoid” after all.

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“Too long dead, too late smart.”

It is taking people a long time to realize the the US voters turned the country over to a group of real ivory-tower ideologues and installed a sophomoric ninny as President so they could have free rein. The WTC bombing gave them their opening because of the panic reaction to it.

Nothing, absolutely nothing in the many predictions and projections of the chickenhawks as to the course of events in Iraq has been accurate.

And now this in this morning’s (9 October) Los Angeles Times.

[QUOTE=David SimmonsNothing, absolutely nothing in the many predictions and projections of the chickenhawks as to the course of events in Iraq has been accurate.[/QUOTE]
On thinking further, there was one correct prediction. The military operation went’ pretty much as predicted. Beyond that …

Well, I suppose (for debate purposes) it’s the notion of whether the Iraq War was, in large part, actually driven by the desire of Jewish (and some non-Jewish) neo-cons focused on the security of Israel. And beyond this whether Arab concerns that this was a somewhat cynical realpolitik chess move toward re-aligning the Arab political landscape with the express intent of protecting Israel, was possibly not so paranoid after all.

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Don’t exclude Bush’s fundamentalism from your political calculus. His Iraq policy seems tinged with a jihadist’s metaphysical certitude, destiny and fervor.