Internet Explorer 10 - How do I clear the "New Tabs" page?

When I click to open a new page on Internet Explorer, it opens the “New Tabs” page, showing the most frequently used eight sites.

For some reason, it’s droppwed both Google and Google News from the sites it shows, even though I use both frequently. That means to get either of those sites, I have to enter the address in the url field.

How do I clear the New Tabs page so that it starts fresh, and hopefully restores Google and Google News?

Is there any particular reason you are using that old software?

AFAIK, all browsers have a section in the settings where you can set what you want to have on opening. You can select your URL of choice or have the last tabs re-open.

ETA: My computer has Internet Edge on it but has a pull down selector for “Open Microsoft Edge With:” and one for “Open New Tabs With:”

Sorry I’m not answering your question but unless things have changed that by using Internet Explorer you are leaving yourself vulnerable to malware. New software will initially be awkward but most browsers these days are pretty easy to figure out.

We had the same issue with my MIL. She was used to using a limited number of websites, so those sites were always on the frequently visited list when she signed in. Then her grandkids got old enough to use her computer when they were visiting, and everything got all messed up.

If you want to absolutely insure that a website is always one click away, you’re better off adding it to the favorites bar, in IE. When you click on the star, to add a site to your favorites, you have the option of putting it in a folder titled “Favorites Bar”. Those will always show up between the address bar and the viewing window.

Two things:

  1. Our IT people decide what browser I have, not me, so saying it’s out of date or vulnerable to malware is irrelevant to my inquiry, thanks.

  2. I like having my major links pop up with each new tab, so that’s why I’ve asked that question.

Don’t have IE10 to look at, but in IE 11 menu - Tools > Internet Options > General (first tab)
Half-way down is “tabs” category. Click the button and get optins for how to handle a new tab.
I prefer blank.

Running several Google searches indicates the IE10 is really no longer compatible with Google. IE10 is not supported anymore by Microsoft. Google has also moved on.

Your only option is your IT people need to upgrade your operating system, and with it, move to IE11. Or better still, Chrome.

The times, they are a’changin’ …

Get busy living (move to a supported O/S and browser) or get busy dying (the O/S and browser you are using).

You can clear individual sites from the page. If you hover over the tile, you’ll see an ‘x’ at the upper right corner. You can click on that to remove the tile from the page. That’s how it works in IE 11, so I hope there’s a similar option in IE 10.

On Chrome, the new tab shows recent;ly visited sites. But there is a way to remove a site from showing, permanently. (And it’s easy to hit accidentally.) I did so once, and it was not easy tpo figure out how to fix it. What I had to do was exclude another site, then it gives you an option to modify the list of excluded sites. (But that option only stays visible for 30 seconds or so.) You can click on that option, and go in and restore the excluded sites.

P.S. For your Grandmother, set up a Bookmarks or Favorites page just for her, and put all her common sites there, and make it visible. Also, this sounds like Grandma’s compute is not secured and requiring a logon. It should be, now that grandchildren are accessing it. Set it up so everybody using it (including Grandma) has to logon with a password. Put a post-it note on the bottom of the screen with the ‘guest’ logon, and teach Grandma how to use her own logon. Put a timeout on it, so the guests don’t find it already logged on. But make it a lengthy timeout, like an hour or two, so Grandma doesn’t have to logon frequently.

It’s been my experience that IT departments don’t give a rats patootie about the user’s preferences. They have their preferred or tried and true methods of deployment and until Microsoft stops supporting it, it stays as it is. I really think they get off on being the gatekeepers and having people need to beg to have the ability to actually do something outside the IT depts narrow permissives.

I’ve done that several times, completely emptying out all of the icons until the new tab page is completely blank. It then re-populates with the web-pages I go to, except Google and Google News.

But until about a month ago, Google and Google News were showing up as the #1 and #2 most frequently used on my new tab page. Something must have changed.

Remember that the IT department has to support the whole company while staying within a budget. So standard software and configurations lets them do that

Strange. Suddenly the Google and Google News icons are both back on my new tabs page, after having been absent for a month.

The ways of the computer are weird.

IE10 is out of support, and has been for 2½ years now. I’d fire any IT staff that were still insisting on using it, for pure incompetence if nothing else.

All the current browsers, fully supported by their devs, don’t cost anything, so how do they affect budgets? I could understand this argument if you were talking about an Oracle DB or some server software, but browsers are not a hill any IT dept should choose to die on.

Note the part about “standard software and configurations”. Once a division commits to a set of software, it stays committed. Our HMO still has Windows XP boxes in the exam rooms and it’s likely to stay that way for a long while.

Even if the software is free, installing, configuring, testing, etc. are definitely money sinks. Then there’s all the time spent dealing with user issues caused by the upgrade. If the current stuff works, keep it.

(I am not a fan of posts in these threads regarding “just change to something else”. A lot of the time that is not an option or there’s a very good reason the person wants to stay with what they know. I wish this didn’t happen, but, you know, … Internet.)

Exactly. See post #5, para. 1, supra.

I get that. I’m saying in the specific case of a browser, that’s dumb.

We come across this all the time at work - our software is browser-based, and we’ve started becoming quite hard-ass about it. We no longer offer any support for problems on earlier browsers, and only limited support on IE11 - because Microsoft, themselves, don’t offer full support any more.

Again - we’re talking browsers here. Let the users install whatever browser they want, themselves. Set sensible security and upgrade policies in place and let *that *be the focus of your budget.

Early browsers ***don’t ***work (in the sense of being giant security holes once their security upgrades stop which, once again, was 2½ years ago for the OP’s browser.)

No wonder we get regular threads about bitcoin ransoms and other malware shit.

Tough. Sometimes that’s not only the obvious, but also the only sensible, solution. It may be *hard *to do (involve escalating past IT to upper management, with detailed analysis of exactly how costly a company-wide malware attack could be) but it’s never impossible.

Or, you know, install Chrome behind IT’s back.

There’s **no **good reason to stay with an older browser, only bad ones.

This one statement alone says a lot about your knowledge of IT rules and regs. A lot.

I feel your pain. I work for the big airplane company in Seattle and we are stuck with Windows 7 and for web surfing, an ancient version of Firefox.