Internet gripes - list yours

There are Internet annoyances, and then there are Internet evils. One of the vilest is the nefarious Pop-up Ad With a Fake Close-Window Button. You don’t realize it’s just a graphic within the ad, so when you click it to close the window, it’s just like clicking the ad, which is exactly what you *didn’t * want to do, and obviously these fiends KNOW that, otherwise they wouldn’t design it as such. So why do they do it, if it’s only going to make people mad?

Because they are evil. It’s the only explanation.

(And yes, this trick *shouldn’t * work more than once on anyone with an IQ higher than rice. But it does.)

I’m with those who hate unnecessary use of Flash and other similar tools when HTML would do the job just as well.

Yes, Flash is excellent when used properly, and you can also make some really fun games with it. But it can also be fucking annoying.

Definitely dead links and pop-ups.

Another thing I absolutely hate that is associated with the Internet and e-mail/IM-ing in general: those stupid cutesy spellings. R U ok? Kewlies. Bah!

Sometimes I have gone to message boards (certainly NOT this one) whereby it seems everyone is talking in that abbreviated “instant messenger” language.
Why do I visit particluar message boards? Just to see who is linking to my site and why.

Absolutely! The whole time I was reading this thread, I was thinking, “is no one going to mention the dreaded chat-speak?” I pray that chat-speak will die a quick death like most teen-driven fads. However, much to my dismay, it’s creeping its way into the lexicon. :eek: Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.


clicks on search link above

sees window crop up

Errrr… works for me, and I’m using Firefox 0.9.2.

And on-topic:

Websites that don’t take into account that not only are there different browsers out there, but different screen resolutions, different fonts installed, people with color blindness, etc. I don’t ask that websites design a whole bunch of different layouts to accout for this: just that they don’t assume anything about who’s viewing their website, and with what.

<< The truth is out there. It’s just not indexed very well. >>

It does pop up but it disappears before I can actually use it.

You could end up with a plain text or binary file, just as the web, but there were also pages you could go to with hyperlinks to other pages. In fact, Mozilla STILL has an option for a gopher proxy in the manual proxy configuration screen, but I haven’t tried to find an actual gopher server in quite some time.

I’m using Firefox, and it works fine.

The hamsters couldn’t possibly survive if I truly compiled a list, so I’m limiting myself to two.

Spammers and the Windows OS.

'nuff said

Huh. How odd… is there any chance a stray click is happening, so the browser thinks you double clocked on the search link? Because that will cause the window to pop up, then dissapear again.

Trying it again, I see the window disappears because the whole page switches to the advanced search page. When the board is busy, the popup stays longer because the server takes longer to send the next page. I noticed that the triangle to the right works correctly, just the text link doesn’t work right.

Oh, definately all the idiots. The internet could be a lovely place if it weren’t for all the idiots out there.