
…can’t spell. He claims to be a Web Progrmming expert.

Well, he didn’t say he was a splling expert.


How has passion become a necessary qualification for a job nowadays? You hear it from the pitchers on Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank as if that will automatically make their product a success.

If you find yourself passionate about Internet content and delivery, you should see a professional.

“This boils into a rock solid service”?

An interesting terminology. I am not passionate about it, however.

If you’re looking for somebody to get something done and you have to choose between passion and competence, pick competence.

He’s so passionate about the Web that he trademarked “Internet Man”!

I wonder if he also Google Alerts it?

“Passionate” in this sense, from Merriam-Webster:

Having a passion for your business/product in no way guarantees success, but not having it virtually guarantees failure. If you don’t believe in your product or service, why should anyone else?

Or turn it into a potentially lucrative business, whichever you prefer.

And passion doesn’t tell you anything about competence. If someone mentions passion instead more relevant qualifications, it indicates to me that they don’t have the judgement to know what’s relevant.

Of course they believe in their product, but that has nothing to do with how well they can do the job. Wearing Passion™ on their chest like a badge of honour is an empty cliche that says nothing. I hear it so often that I suspect they’re pushing it at motivational seminars these days.

There’s another option. If the wannabe lucrative business owners on Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank are any indication, passion is more likely to lead to delusion about the potential success of your product. If I’m paying for a service, I’ll take a diligent, professional and realistic attitude over passion. Internet Man apparently is so passionate that he can’t be bothered to check his own website text for spelling. If he dialled back the passion and paid more attention to details, I’d be more confident in his ability to do the job.