Granted… it has no name, but it has promise.
The linguistic rules of the language.
The words are taken from English, and reserved.
Every letter ends in an O. Unless it’s talking about a female, then it ends in an A.
In ‘translation’, there are no double letters, “Carry” comes “Yraco”.
There are 25 letters, not 26. X becomes S.
When it comes to verbs, the person doing the thing is attrached to the thing in the language.
Example: “I lift a chair” becomes “Itfilo a riahco”
“You think I am an idiot” becomes “Uoyknihto Imao nao toidio”
“We dance naked” becomes “Ewecnado dekano”
“To run” becomes “otnuro”
Ht = f
Hs = s
Y = e
gn = n
hc = k
kc = k
ao= ow
I’m sure the rest is covered in English.
Now, more fun with (unnamed language)
I sing to the prostitute = Igniso oto etho etutitsorpo (Ig-ni-so o-toe et-ho ee-tu-tit-sor-po)
She is pretty = Ehsia yterpa (eh-sia e-ter-pa) [note, Is = sia in this case, but she equaled ehs so the two Ss were combined to make ‘ehsia’]
He is strong = Ehsio gnortso (eh-sio nort-so)
Or it can be used for political times…
No war on Iraq = Ono rawo no Qario (O-no ra-wo no kar-io)
You are a traitor = Uoyerao a rotiarto (Oy-era-o a ro-ti-ar-to)
or for general news (headlines from Yahoo)
Bush, Blair, Aznar to meet about Iraq = Hsubo, Rialbo, Ransao otemo tuobao Qario
Three die retrieving phone from latrine = Ertheido gniveirteto enohpo morfo enirtalo
or this page-
Can I donate blood to lose weight? = Naco Ietanodo dolbo otesolo thgiewo?
My big questions:
any ideas for a name for this language?
am I blatantly ripping off any language? (such as pig latin)
Ylpero! (Reply!)