First, I didn’t open this for a debate on whether the US should have gone to war with Iraq. Most know my stance anyway, and I know many of yours. What I’m hoping for is a debate on why, assuming any invasion, Iraq was picked instead of Iran.
From what I can see as “selling” points both countries have a US target painted on them. That’s not supposed to sound like a flame statement, but I can’t think of a better way to put it. We’re at war with Iraq now, but it could have just as easily been Iran. It seems to me one or the other was going to get hit after Afghanistan.
So we’re looking at Iran and Iraq. North Korea is too far removed to be an option in this case, and as I’ve WAG’d before, China should be able to handle them.
Iraq = A war GHW Bush built a coalition for to oust Saddam from Kuwait and protect Saudi Arabia. Done deal, but left Saddam in power to thwart UN sanctions for 12 years. Though the US aided Saddam for years as he fought a stalemate war with Iran.
Iran = American-backed Shah of a country that was pro-US overthrown by Theocratic Mullahs. Ayatollah Khomeini (sp?) sent a statement to America by encouraging “students” to overtake the US Embassy and holding hostages for over 400 days. I think they were saying they didn’t agree with us, or something.
So we have the Iraq side of the coin being more recent (plus the little assassination attempt of a former President), but the Iranian side being more direct in targeting US civilians.
Both countries benefitted from US aid at some point. (That’s not to say we own them or they owe us anything. Park that bus at the gate.)
Looking at a map, it seems establishing democracy in Afghanistan and a government sympathetic to the West (and especially America) would be a good foothold.
If the same happens in Iraq (There are plenty of stories of Iraqi’s welcoming liberation from Hussein) there is a geographical “pincers” surrounding Iran. Possibly, or hopefully, this brings reform in Iran. If not, it’s very possible that Iran is next on the Bush list.
So what are your thoughts on Iraq being invaded over Iran? Does my WAG hold water, or is there another strategic goal I’m not seeing? It seems that if we invaded Iran, we’d see very little resistance, other than speeches condemning us (as per The Rules[sup]TM[/sup]) from other Arab nations.
As much as I loath Hussein as a person and what he’s done to a people that were once the shining example of civilization, I can only see one fatal flaw he made concerning his reign.
After losing (yet really winning) a war in 1991, he couldn’t accept keeping power. He hated losing Kuwait and being so thoroughly bitch-slapped by the US that he had to try to kill President Bush. Had he let it go, he’d still be shitting into gold toilets and funding his sick-fuck sons’ endeavors.
GW Bush may have had revenge on his mind, but I don’t have direct contact with him. Maybe he really did trust the intel coming his way. The guy isn’t omnicient, sometimes a leader has to trust his underlings. But that’s another debate.
Anyway, given the rambling OP, would Iran have been a better target given that there would be a war anyway?
I hope that made enough sense