iPad Educational App Suggestions

My kids, aged 8 and 7, will be spending the majority of the summer with my parents in Texas. As usual, they will be spoiled beyond belief. I’ve given up that fight. I want to assign them at least an hour or more of “homework” a day. They both have iPads that they will bring with them. Does anyone have suggestions on educational but fun iPad apps that focus on math and science?


Well, it’s not specifically math and science, but Reading Rainbow recently released a pretty sweet app that lets your kid borrow from a pretty extensive library of books, watch videos with Levar Burton, and suchlike. You get to borrow one book free, but access to the unlimited library is by subscription.

I wish I could recommend some good video podcasts, but the little Torqueling is only 5, so she’s really into the excellent Sesame Street ones, which are a little young for your bunch.

My kids really enjoy the ‘Teach Me [grade]’ apps. They’re about a buck each.

Thanks guys!

Not math/science but I like a game called Stack the States. Geography and state trivia. The company also has a Presidents and Rocket Math game.

I just downloaded Rocket Math earlier today! The earlier suggestions didn’t work for me, as my kids are a bit older at 8 and 7. I’m still looking for good general science apps.

The f word was used in the movie Lincoln, and that seemed so out of place for that era. Why would they use that word that seemed so out of place?