Iraq, the Media, and American Public Opinion

You claim Saddam was the prime suspect... where did you get that from ? He was the prime suspect when ? Thinking Saddam was the 9-11 mastermind seems very little "valid".

The US public didn't decide to invade Iraq. Bush did. What were the reasons Bush gave for invading then ?  My list includes most of the reasons given... and most of these reasons appear to have been bloated or cherry picked. Or did Bush openly say toppling Saddam was the major reason ?

There you go again with ‘people’ in general. I said 24% “were making an informed decision”. There is no such thing as people in general, btw. Otherwise You and I would be thinking but a single thought at the same time.

Saddam was the prime suspect immediately after 9-11. The possibility of Saddam involvement was immediately discussed everywhere. Nobody said, “Who, Saddam? How ridiculous!” True, his involvement was never proven, but that is not what I am talking about.

Bush presented a typical case fpr the prosecution, amassing everything negative he could find on Saddam. His objective was to remove Saddam. That’s what he said in the ultimatum. He didn’t say Saddam must open all the doors, he said “Saddam and his sons must leave Iraq”. THat’s how it was understood by other world powers. For example, at the final days before the invasion Russian envoy made a final attempt to convince Saddam to leave. Not come compleately clean, but leave.

Sure they did. Here’s what Richard Clarke had to say on Sept. 12:

After independent corroboration, the white house backed off the denials, and admitted the meeting took place.

Funny, you think that Jews, being the Evil Media Conspiracy would lean more liberal. Stupid competing conspiracy theories.

Here’s something interesting about the Right-Wing hate radio:

On Monday I was driving to New Orleans with my boss (a huge Rush fan, and a believer that GWB is like the second coming of Christ, only more impressive) and he, of course, turns on Gasbag Limbaugh.

Something that got just slipped in there was a cheap shot during one of his blurbs about checking out his ‘document stack’ online on John Kerry.

Thrown into the hate speech about Kerry with the typical “Liberal blah blah blah” was “French-Looking”.

So, apparently John Kerry looks “French”.

Thanks Rush. Glad to see you’re still the voice of reason.

How’s the hearing, you deaf bloated bag of shit?


“The French-looking John Kerry” is a joke. It’s just a joke. He’s making fun of certain members of his audience.

hhhmm… nope. AQ was immediately the prime suspect. After all they had bombed the 2 embassies in Africa. Saddam was never suspected in any direct terrorist activity in the past at all ! (Unless invading Kuwait is a “terrorist” act). I’m talking about people with beyond high school mental abilities.

You could say that the common unwashed masses thought Saddam did it... but I seriously doubt that they came up with that spontaneosly. Everything from palestinians to iranians was a more "normal" thought... but not Saddam. (I don't remember Iraq being a major issue right at that time)

Follow that Richard Clarke link for more details about Bushthinking.

Nice strawman. Allow me to beat the stuffing out of it.

The proposition that the right wing has been buying the media is not a conspiracy theory because conspiracies involve secrecy, and there’s nothing secret going on here. Rupert Murdoch doesn’t secretly own Fox News. That jerk who runs Clear Channel doesn’t secretly own Clear Channel. The Moonies don’t secretly own the Washington Times. And there’s no big secret to the notion that wealthy people tend to own newspapers chains, broadcasting stations of various sorts, and that wealthy people tend to be conservative.

An observation of a social phenomenon is not a conspiracy theory, and saying that it’s equivalent to the belief that the Jews conspire to control the media among right wing loonies is just the kind of self-serving baloney that people who like to present themselves as “balanced” tend to come up with. You’re not balanced, you’re just not paying attention.

All your conspiracy accusation are baloney to us. When come back bring pie.

Really? Care to explain the joke?



It wasn’t a straw man, it was a one-liner.

It was making fun of the whackos who are convinced that the Evil Jews secretly control the media (along with everything else). You know, the big conspiracy that’s so super secret that every White Power Troglodyte knows about it because he and his bretheren are the only ones with the sense to see through The Big Lie.

Going on to line 7 of my explanation of my one-liner, if the Right is buying up all the media (causing the trends in opinon being discussed), then, apparently the Evil Zionist Conspiracy is actually a load of horseshit.

-Joe, line 11 of my one-liner explanation, understanding that when it actually posts it will be less lines.