Iraqi chem weapons

Hussein has the Rep guard holed up in a hospital. Someone (I know there will be at least 2) try to defend this. Iraq is using Red Cross vehicles as military transport. In the hospital, the army has chem-bio suits, and Sodom Hussein has ordered chem weapons used soon. I have one question for appeasers/apologists.

Why does the Iraqi army have chem-bio suits when they swear they don’t have such weapons? Do you think the US or UK will use such weapons? Consider the worldwide media coverage. We all know Hussein has these weapons, but the protesters insist he doesn’t.

Here’s a great idea to ponder. In Basrah today, Iraqi forces sniped people protesting the Iraqi regime. All anti-American protesters, be thankful you can protest the US in safety.

Screw France

I don’t know any war protester who believes that Hussein doesn’t have chemical or biological weapons; I certainly don’t. That isn’t what the protest is about; it’s about whether it was necessary to attack Iraq based on the slim (faked?) evidence provided by the administration.

Still, it is surprising, to me, that there has been no use of these WMDs yet; nor any use of the supposed SCUDs that Iraq is supposed to have. Maybe they are saving them for later, but, just possibly, they don’t have them.

BTW, I suppose that your spelling of Hussein’s first name could be an intentional attempt to classify his sexual appetite, but it is really spelled Saddam.
