So I was just watching the end of the Oscars. Martin Richards was in the hot-seat, grasping for people who he wished to thank for his Best Picture award for * Chicago *. A few people started yelling names from the crowd, and then Hillary Swank shouted, “Your wife!”.
This instantly caused me (and a few million other people, I’m sure) to humorously flashback to Hillary Swank’s Oscar acceptance speech for * Boys Don’t Cry * in which she played the role of Brandon Teena in a story a transgendered tragedy. During her acceptance speech, she had forgotten to thank her husband, Chad Lowe, and the media had a field day with the gossip.
Martin’s face lit up, and he thanked Hillary for reminding him as my flashback faded. His eyes got misty as he thanked two individuals who were obviously near and dear to his heart and part of his family. The camera flashed back to Hillary and Chad, snuggled happily in their seats, smiling as they watched the fruits of their advice based on experience.
The camera flashed back to Martin just in time for him to thank the memory of his now deceased male companion, not his wife.
It’s just one of those situations that makes you stop and replay it over in your head a few times.
Now I’m wondering. I don’t * think * that was what he said, but I may have been still obliviously flashbacking…to the tape! (Did anyone happen to tape it? I did not.) I freely admit that this was an off the cuff interpretation, and I could be way wrong. I know nothing of Martin Richards, or his marital status, that I didn’t know before tonight.
“Accepting the trophy is producer Martin Richards…<snip> He send props out to Bob Fosse, Harvey Weinstein, a cast any producer would die for, a director sent from heaven, the most incredible staff, the world, yup, the whole wide world, yadda, yadda, yadda, the executive producers and finally he closes with thanks to his late wife and his late partner.”
An argument that too much nostalgia can be a bad thing I suppose…pay too much time remembering the past, and you miss what’s happening right in front of your nose I’m relieved actually, my interpretation was just entirely too strange on multiple levels. (I suppose that should have given me a clue to confirm prior to posting.)