I know the war is in early stages but im reading about all of these arrests deaths and injuries in so called peace marches thruought the world and it strikes me that there doesnt seem to be all that high of a death count on either side so far in the WHOLE WAR<non accidental>. Just a thought to consider
I’ve read about one person dying in a peace protest accident. At least 13 Allied soldiers and unknown numbers of Iraqi soldiers and civilians have been killed.
Call me humourless if you like, but where exactly is this “irony”?
The irony is that there shouldnt be violence in peace marches period.One death, many injuries, many thousands of arrests. We have more arrested citizens than prisioners for cryin out loud. Thats rediculous.
I do think the prosecution of the war, rolling up Iraqi territory, hammering the leadership, and generally turning Shock and Awe into Slack and Jaw - as in nobody expected the US to just roll in without heavy bombing - is a brilliantly executed plan so far. Well, not many people thought we would limit the bombing. I hoped the Army would win the argument with the Air Force. I’m guessing on that one, but the Air Force always wants to show that “air power can get the job done.”
But, in this case, capturing the early ground did not require much preparation. A plan to let the Iraqis surrender requires ground contact with the enemy. Bombing troops who only wish to surrender would be a tragedy.
OTOH, we have avoided city fighting so far. That will determine how the war goes. It appears Saddam has decided to sacrifice his cities in a fortress type strategy. Hopefully the Iraqis will see the futility and refuse to follow the orders. The German commander failed to follow Hitler’s order to destroy Paris. The least the Iraqis can do is be as lenient to their own nation.
The protesters are endangering peoples lives, that is certain.
You’re absolutely right on the first point. A minority of protestors are acting appallingly and deserve to be charged appropriately for the crimes they commit. There isn’t really much to compare beyond that though–the prisoners in Iraq will outnumber those held elsewhere by an order of magnitude, and the number of deaths will be similarly different.
Casualties in a helicopter crash? That has virtually nothing to do with going to war. Sadly, the history of military helicopters hitting the deck is a long one.
Two at once.
Five killed.
Military aviation deaths fall.
Freeper lists some deaths. Some are helicopter related.
10 die in Phillipines
UK, some years ago
There were dozens of crashes in Vietnam, in addition to the many shot down.
Beagle: I am aware that helicopters crash. Thanks for the cites, though. I should have clarified myself: those are lives lost during this war, so if we’re comparing protestor deaths and “wartime” deaths I’m not convinced it’s unreasonable to include them.
Anyway, it’s not something worth getting into a fuss about, so hopefully that’s clarified my point (if not, apologies, but it’s time for me to leave work and I won’t be around to post until much later or tomorrow).
And, of course, military aviation deaths did not fall. Crashes fell, deaths went up. :smack:
Oops, I missed that last post, Crusoe. Double, :smack: I’m not getting bent about it. I agree that civilian deaths, you mentioned in your first post, are a bad thing. I think the US and allies are doing a good job of limiting them considering the all out ground campaign going on all over Iraq. I never liked the Shock and Awe stuff the media had been touting. This is going more like I’d hoped, helicopter crash notwithstanding. :Fingers crossed:
Beagle: no worries, glad we could keep it civil! I understand your point, and I think you understand mine. Have a good weekend.